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Just Wanted To Share Something I've Written

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lolitasteward | 21:08 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | Arts & Literature
19 Answers

I love you more in your feverish state, when I soothe your burning face with a cool moist cloth and kiss your eyelids which hide your delirious dreams from this world. I adore your muttering dry lips that devour every drop of water I offer you with patience and care as I caress the matted hair on your chest.



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Well, it communicates your passion - which is good.  Context is nil - which is bad.

If asked to critique on the few lines we have - I'd have said that there was an unbalanced emphasis on the 'I'. We know nothing about the recipient.  I'm sure this in an excerpt from a longer poem. :)

Is it to a cat?😁


I thought it was man going on about his woman, until I read 'caress the matted hair on your chest' 😅

Is the recipient an Ourang-outang with influenza?

You want to share it - why?

.....and ?

the basis of a lush love letter, if anyone writes love letters rather than texts any more.

It sounds like something produced by AI.

Which it obviously is. I hope so anyway. If it isn't I'd give up in the poetry career.

I read it as the author writing to a loved one who is at the end of their life. 

I would have too maydup, until I saw the other lovely and  tearjerking sentiments expressed by the same user on other subjects.

Patsy it is a man going on about a woman 😁

Dusty, I'd like to say I'm shocked, but nothing surprises me these days.. 😄

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I don't know why every time you guys have to be so mean, but I'm only here to answer two questions:

1. No, IT IS NOT AI generated and no, I won't give up on my dreams for some random hater online 

2. It's about a woman going on about a man.

Is chest hair on a man that shocking to you? Lol You need to touch some grass instead of being chronically online!

The passage seems a trifle overwrought to me, it doesn't make me want to know more, read more.

If you want to share something you've written that's OK. If you don't want critique either don't post or say why you are sharing. I dont think anyone who has replied hates you, they don't know you, they are giving their opinion of your written prose. Liking someone's chest hair is a matter of personal taste. Nothing shocking.

It was this section that made me assume it was someone nursing their husband.

//every drop of water I offer you with patience and care//

Reading this passage I agree with Maydup - sounds like someone nursing their husband/partner with care.

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Just Wanted To Share Something I've Written

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