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Someone Confessed Online To A Crime. Can I Report Them To Law Enforcement If I Don't Have Thier Name, Or City? Just Have Their State

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Cindy1302 | 04:05 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
11 Answers

I was on another site and someone confessed to a pretty messed up crime. They were anonymous, and i only have the state they live in.



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You can state the state they live in, go for it. State what you know, which is *** all.πŸ˜’

I think you'd make a first class traffic warden, Cindy 

Now that's an insult Baz.

Never met a traffic warden I've liked, ooh, apart from the pretty one that cancelled her ticket when I smiled nicely.


You should use your cyber skills to track them down and go make a citizen's arrest. Take the initiative for once!

Good advice Dave, Cindy should gather a posse together and hunt the varmint down.

Sign me up,  vigilantes ruleπŸ‘

Jeez - are you still at it??

I know you said you were seeing a counsellor, but have you seen them lately ..... I'm guessing not by the sounds of things ??

For goodness sake it's about time you minded your own business.  Glad I don't live next door ...

There used to be an old man who drank in a Belfast bar.

When in his cups he'd say he was the second shooter on the grassy knoll. He had spent many years in Texas but none of us believed him and not did we think to report him to anyone.

Minding your own business is often the best way to go.


Round up a posse , mount up and head this person off at the pass 

I asked Gemini your question, and here is the response.
While it might seem challenging, it's entirely possible to report a crime based solely on online evidence. Law enforcement agencies are increasingly equipped to handle digital investigations.  
When dealing with a crime, it's important to document everything. This includes taking screenshots of relevant conversations, images, or videos, as well as preserving original messages, emails, or posts. It's also crucial to note the exact dates and times of interactions.
The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a great starting point for reporting crimes. It's a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NWC3C).  Website:

Please don't give Cindy any more information about who to report to. She already knows about Fires, spilled anti freeze, animal abuse, child molestation, bad neighbours, icky relatives, bad parents and other family members, co workers, dirty homes etc etc the list is endless. She needs to get a life

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Someone Confessed Online To A Crime. Can I Report Them To Law Enforcement If I Don't Have Thier Name, Or City? Just Have Their State

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