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Trump’s Project 25 – What’s It All About?

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Hymie | 12:32 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
4 Answers

Trump denies knowing anything about this Republic agenda (should they win in November), despite it being compiled by some of his closest associates/criminals.

Either Trump is lying or he is suffering a greater mental decline than Biden (you decide).


Anyway, if you want a précis of what it is all about, some guy in this youtube video does it all in 2 minutes (all 900 pages) – you might need to set the playback speed to 0.5.


Be afraid, be very afraid if the Republicans win the election.





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Calm down.  All will be well.

Makes a change from wierd Brexit videos.

Of course Trump knows about it...his former advisors are amongst the people behind it. He's praised the work of the Heritage Foundation. 

Hes just playing dumb because it has the potential to backfire on the Republicans. 

Of course much of it may not come to fruition, but even some will impact on negatively on the poor, women, the elderly.

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Trump’s Project 25 – What’s It All About?

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