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What Would You Give To Be A Bit Taller......?

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ToraToraTora | 10:30 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
13 Answers

This process sounds like some sort of medieval torture. I'd have liked to have been a bit taller but wow, how obsessed do you need to be put yourself through that?



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I can't understand anyone putting themselves through that. Their bodies would be out of proportion 

must be mental

BARRY, some folk are naturally, "out of proportion" anyway.


I'm short but would never consider having an op like this, or any non-essential operation.


I couldn't read much of that. I've heard of people having it done(on one of those medical oddities programs on REALLY)...the process never sounded as horrific as this.

& all that just for an extra 3 inches!

I'm 5ft 1 and happy to stay there.  It's like they say God stops things growing when they  reach perfection.  Some of us get there much sooner than others. 

Many men prefer shorter women, often much shorter 

I 'shot up' quite quickly as a kid and many said i was going to be a six-footer. Well, they were all wrong by about 5 inches. And, yes, there are times when i wish i was taller but i would never go under the knife to achieve extra height.

Gettingonabit; there's another saying; 'Good things come in small packages'. 😉

I think very short men can be at a disadvantage, I've certainly met a few with 'short man syndrome' but is it so bad for a woman?  

I can't understand anyone putting themselves through that. Their bodies would be out of proportion 

no they kinda odd to start ( sozza heavily into AB speak this pm)

this is a service offered by the NHS ( altho the Guichet case seems to have been private ) and involved ( lenghening) cutting thro the tibia and fibula

and a special frame fitted which can be ratcheted apart ( 1 mm a day or 1 mm a week ) once you know new bone has been laid down

( screams of " he doan know this: he fooing !" and that is only from the mods! Other Abers start to chant " scrub! scrub ! scrub!" and they dont mean 'clean your hands')

and the slow process continues

we had a surgeon cut thro the only artery going to the leg ( twice) popliteal artery. Disastrous - pts must be warned about this - and long term failure - infection haemorrhage etc

some of the scars in the index case seems ( puckered and wide) = infected which is a disaster if there is metal in the patient.

It is a really big deal but some patients want to go thro with it.

( the law case depends on negligence and the judge found there was. ) I think


we had a  girl who refused Part 2 - 

but your knees are going to be at different levels! I hissed

I dont care - -  refusal respected ( aged 14) - - - surgeon has hissy fit

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