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I’ve Heard Of ‘Dogging’, Now There’s ‘Raw-Dogging’

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Hymie | 16:31 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
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Radio rental.

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It’s not as bad as it sounds.

Have you done it, Hymie?

Isn't that what people did on planes 'in the old days'? 

I think they took a book and a crossword and had a chat and a sleep at least.

The new deal is to Skiplag and Rawdog a flight

16:40 I don't think anyone would stare straight ahead for N hourse barry.

What a waste of good sleepy-time.  I'm very good at doing nothing, but I can't give this a try as I don't have a passport.  Never mind.

Just another way of saying 'look at me' I suppose.

I always take a book, as well as a book of crosswords anyway.  Oh, and a notebook to jot down overheard words and phrases that might come in to a bit of writing.  I did watch that film about Christmas - lots of big British names - on a flight to Bangkok.

Once again the younger ones thinking they've invented something new. '' What goes around comes around''

Unhealthy.  From certain destinations, people who drink or eat nothing for the whole flight can be concealing condoms filled with drugs in their stomach (which is why they eat and drink nothing) Bit of a red flag to get fingered by Customs.

Didn't Stan Collymore get done for dogging ?

Sometimes I like to sit and think.  Other times I just sit.

Sod that, I'm not gonna turn down the opportunity of an eight hour kip, no matter how I'm vogue it might be.

Idiots, the lot of them.

I don't recall doing much at all. other than simply sitting there, on a 26-hour flight from Adelaide to Heathrow in 1986.  (I certainly didn't sleep, as I can never sleep on any type of moving transport).  However, if social media had existed in those days, I can't think why I'd have bothered to tell anyone about it!

I thought Yoko had filmed John Lennon staring into a camera ( delphically - delphic he was) but I cant find it

She did " self Portrait" 42 mins of Johns ( I cannot mention it for fear of starting the usual crowd screaming and weeping - you know down there !  IT, his lu-lu shhhh!)

shown once

Poodle tartare.

I'm not of the Instagram generation, so I don't really get these things. But, 🥱 🙄 

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