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Would Nigel Farage Lie To His Loyal Followers?

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Hymie | 17:37 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
33 Answers

My mate Phil thinks he might have.




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of course your mate Phil is the authority on BS!

Aren't you concerned Hymie that your opinions are formed from YouTubers? 

Farage would lie to anyone. Why are people so fooled by him?

Well done Carol ...Farage is almost as big a liar as the other idiot... Johnson.  Both founder members of the Royal school of liars...😎"They just can't help it can they"😎

"Farage would lie to anyone."

All politicians lie. The electorate's job is to find out when they are lying and when they are telling the truth. Only if they don't do that when it matters will they be fooled.

can someone give me an example of a lie from Farage.

Some people are so thick .They can't spot a lie when it's staring them in the face. That's the result of attending the school of radicalisation .

so do you have an example?

Farage and his fellow Lying sidekick Johnson lied about Brexit from start to finish and the fools believed them .

So no actual examples then gully just the usual vague platitudes. Right oh!

So can no one find and example of these alleged porkies?

Ohh Gawd. Now we have Vorderman's biggest "hits" to distract and detract. You can take the girl out of Rhyl but you can't take Rhyl out of the girl. Will 2TK give her a job do you think? Or will she give him a "job"? 

It seems politicians telling lies comes as a shock to Gulliver. They all lie - I wouldn't trust any politician to tell the truth as far as I could spit a dead rat.


The thing that annoys me the most about politicians telling lies is that they treat people as fools, and I find that disrespectful.


Take Poundland Barbie. She lied, and expected people to believe, that she lived in a house 1 mile away from her husband AND her children. This was so obviously a lie that it was laughable.

they do tell porkies of course but when they are usually accused of lying it's about something that is not a lie. Hence this post where no one seems to be able to give an example. Council House Annie is good example of an actual lie but most examples given are not lies.

//She lied, and expected people to believe, that she lived in a house 1 mile away from her husband AND her children. This was so obviously a lie that it was laughable.//

Plod believed her   ... and the commons commitee of standards, and the former director of public prosecutions! So it must be true. Good job she never looked at a birthday cake or she would be in bother. 

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Not only has Boris never lied, but now that belief has been extended to our Nige.

Togo  @ 20. 31  "// She lied and expected people to believe"  Can't wait for the Tory Baroness Mone to be dragged before the courts for defrauding the tax payer of £200 million for rubbish PPE equipment ...supported by Boris and Gove .

It seems to be only you making a big issue of politicians telling lies. Most people I know simply accept that they do and make the necessary adjustments.

There's plenty more to come. Simply compare the new government's actions over the last six weeks to the promises they made before the election. The habit of telling lies isn't exclusive to politicians with whom you disagree and if you haven't already discovered that, you very soon will.

The truth is, people like your mate Phil are scared by the fact that Farage talks common sense, is unashamedly British, and doesn't subscribe to the wokeist agenda.  Maybe your mate Phil would have the balls to stand for Parliament rather than chuntering his bile from his back bedroom.  But he looks more like the type who'd rather throw milkshake when he's "offended" by someone.

Spungle 07.33 "Maybe your mate Phil  would have the balls to stand for Parliament" Well your mate Farage had eight attempts to get elected into Parliament via the desperate seat of Clacton ...and he hasn't spent a single day there since .He is too busy earning his £1million a year on tv to bother about his constituents.

10.35am - "Well your mate Farage had eight attempts to get elected into Parliament via the desperate seat of Clacton ...and he hasn't spent a single day there since."




Why would you post something that is just simply untrue and very easilly disproved? I don't get it. What do you hope to achieve by posting lies?

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