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Will You Sign This Open Letter To Show You've No Time For..

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sandyRoe | 15:34 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
5 Answers

...racists, arsonists, or rioters, here in Belfast?



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Not because I disagree with the sentiment - I won't sign because (a) I live in SE England, and  more importantly (b) petitions never achieve anything. 

Nope, I'm not surrendering to the Slims.

is it still the case that 2 sections of society in Belfast have no time for each other? are they both exempt from the petition?

To: Belfast Islamic Centre, and our Muslim neighbours

We stand against hate on Belfast's streets

Is this also directed at the catolics and protestants and those waving Palestinian (jew hating) flags

When hate turns to violent action, I'm agin it, but if it's about speech I'm not so sure. 

'There have been several attempts to define “hate speech” in the last several decades in connection with various international covenants or conventions  None has succeeded in giving a satisfactory definition of “hate speech” simply because there is no way to distinguish speech which is offensive to some people from speech which expresses hatred.'

From the very Emerald Isle itself;

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Will You Sign This Open Letter To Show You've No Time For..

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