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Farage Thinks 2/3 Of Brits Want To Leave The Echr

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Hymie | 20:59 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
39 Answers

In his parliamentary speech, Farage suggested we have a referendum on this issue.


I’d be happy for such a referendum on our membership of the ECHR, on condition that only those who voted to leave lost their rights under the ECHR.


....and when those persons who voted to end our membership of the ECHR are jailed without a fair trial, I would be posting on here asking; why are you complaining, this is what you voted for.


There are a number of right-wing nut-jobs who agree with Farage, but ask yourself this: Would you trust the Labour government with your basic human rights?




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sounds about right, the ECHR may have once been a HR entity, now it is anything but. It's been mis-used by trobiscites and money grubbing yuman rytes lawyers like the WWW. Now it's charter for criminal scum. It needs replacing by a proper human rights entity.

As TTT says.  It's one of those institutions, begun with the best of intentions for the times that then existed, that has now not only been out-worn but become a parody of its original.  Time to let it rest, put it out of its misery and the misery that it causes - or pull it back to its original remit and function.  I can't see the latter happening, so we should junk it.

Sure it can be arranged that only those who voted to leave the ECHR lose their rights under the ECHR, as long as the rest emigrate to their precious EU. Those still here then can enjoy the rights provided by UK law instead, which would, of course, be considerably superior, and definitely ensure no one gets gaoled without fair trial, nor any other fantasy those with no grasp on reality can think of and claim will be so.

//I’d be happy for such a referendum on our membership of the ECHR, on condition that only those who voted to leave lost their rights under the ECHR.//

That's as daft as saying only those pensioners who voted Labour should lose their winter fuel allowance.

You do post some rubbish Hymie.

Why on earth would you think that without the ECHR people wouldn't get a fair trial, hymie?  You do talk some guff, you really do.  We should leave.  The organisation doesn't do what it's supposed to do and is no longer fit for purpose.

Nigel's right - we would vote to leave. Who wants a foreign court holding sway over our own judiciary. It's nuts.

-- answer removed --


"Would you trust the Labour government with your basic human rights?"  No, I wouldn't trust them with anything at all.  

"I’d be happy for such a referendum on our membership of the ECHR, on condition that only those who voted to leave lost their rights under the ECHR."

OK, I'm hooked again, so I'll ask the same question as I have on each and every occasion you have mentioned this topic (and to which you have still not provided a reasonably lucid argument: "Which rights, which only the ECHR provides, would be lost if we left?"

Since you mention one, how many people do you know of who have been acquitted following a fair trial in the UK, who would not have received that fair trial and would have been jailed had we not been signatories to the ECHR. What is it that you find is deficient about the UK's justice system which only the ECHR provides adequate remedy?

.................  and the usual deafening silence has resulted, N.J..

This link suggests the two-thirds claim is wrong.


Out, out, out! These people in Strasbourg with their fabulous jobs (I know it well) judge, but they are not all 'proper' judges.

Their panels are made up of all sorts; - academics, teachers, medics, you name it.

Britain has disentangled itself from the odious EU, why should it still have this lot telling it what it can and cant do?

Khandro - I'll pre-empt NJ........ Quite!

Only one way then - put it to the (peoples) vote!

Ah, 'slims' are Muslims. Got it now. 🙄

Best thing Winston Churchill ever did.   
It is his legacy.

Would 66% of our population know what it is?

"Best thing Winston Churchill ever did.   
It is his legacy."

As an aside, I can think of one or two more significant things that can be classed as legacies lef by Sir Winston.

However - what does the ECHR provide for the citizens of the UK which they otherwise might not have? 

what a load of bol...ks you preach, fantasy land.

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