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Are Religious Gatherings Or Meetings Allowed In A Person's Home?

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pastafreak | 14:39 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
26 Answers

This might belong in law. I'm asking because I occasionally hear the singing of hymns coming from the block of maisonettes opposite mine...always on a Saturday. 

The flats are a mix of owner occupied and rented. I'm assuming it's a rented flat.

Is permission needed for this use? 



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Yes, it is allowed. No you don't need permission 
14:42 Sat 07th Sep 2024


Yes, it is allowed. No you don't need permission 

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Thanks Barry. I was just curious as I'd not come across it before.

Is it a Mass gathering? They were only outlawed under Covid restrictions?

I remember in the 60s when the Pakistanis started to come over they used to hold their prayer meetings in the front room of their house. Men only, the women had to sit in the back room. No mosques in Rochdale then. 

Yes, I used to work with a guy that was always falling asleep at work. He belonged to some weird psuedo christian sect and they basically went round each others houses and had all night chanting sessions. He was always trying to convert the rest of us. His surname was Herman, we knew him as Herman the sermon!


My home city has very few Muslims and their mosque was a flat above a shop.  They have moved out and have a bigger place - but I doubt that it is much bigger.

If a communicant is housebound vicars always take communion to them in their homes.

i used to live in ahouse that had a covenant on it that prohibited religious meetings

Who would enforce the covenant? Many covenants aren't worth the paper they are written on

Our vicar comes once a month to give us all Communion 😊


A local planning authority, if a complaint was received, could investigate to decide whether or not a change of use had occurred. That would be a matter of fact and degree. If it was considered that change of use had occurred, then a planning application might be required, and that would be treated on its merits.

There isn't a law which forbids people from singing hymns in their own dwelling.,Christians%20can%20worship%20privately%20anywhere.

christians can worship anywhere

Romans were doing it in secret 1580-1829 and I wondered if any penal laws were left over. It appears not. 

should be in Law, I wd be amazed if any of the atheists on AB had any idea of Ecclesiastical Law. Anglican priests showing too many Romish tendencies ( incense, bells, prayers to St Mary ) were subject to sequestration

features in Trollope's  ecclesiastical novels where Mr Arabin is...... showing worrying Romish tendencies ( wont marry for one)

american view here

cathedral car park cannot be used for abortion etc


Does ecclesiastical law have any weight today?

Not keen on it as a concept. Colleagues was a Serbian Orthodox Christian and described secret worship in various houses in Jug. One day the secret police arrested her father ( concentration  camp ) then they let him out. phew

Yes, it does, it is legal framework and governanace of the CofE

Does ecclesiastical law have any weight today?

sure does if you are a priest - comes as a system. It will hear cases such as the priest er kissing someone not his wife and so  on - even fraud so long as no one tells the Police

Didnt the A B of C depose a vicar the other week ? ( protestant excommunication, Beeb fluffy going mad over " Bell Book and Candle" - atheist marxist) -  corrected to took away his licence to  preach

Episode of Rumpole quite close to how it was 1970. Wiggie tears off his wig, and puts on a funny hat and announces "I am the apostolic vicariate for the day ". (judge) - the judge advocate isnt ( a judge) oh Lardy dah. !

heard on civil standard of proof which can be a bagga ( pun intended) as hearsay is admissible

oops - Barry's is shorter and sweeter

Local priest is emmeshed in an action ( cause). Allegations from years ago. The now 35 y old victim has sworn "nothing happened" however it wont lie down and die.

( one witness insisting, " there was something going on. I am sure there was. And old Mrs Pong Doddle now dead used to say....)

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