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Dick Cheney (Former Republican Vice President) Recently Said That ‘Trump Can Never Be Trusted With Power Again’

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Hymie | 14:40 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
11 Answers

....and added that; ‘in our nation's 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump’

Do you agree with Cheney?



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Yes, with possible exception of McCarthy.

Yes with the possible exception of Kamala Harris.

// ‘Trump Can Never Be Trusted With Power Again’ //

that's rich coming from him.......

He's obviously right, and it's not even in dispute, as it's in the maga manifesto. 

BBC News - Project 2025: A wish list for a Trump presidency, explained

Dick Cheney is about as right wing a Republican as there is, but he is at least a Republican, and someone who wants democracy to continue. Trump is neither.

Thanks for the link, Tomus.



‘Trump Can Never Be Trusted With Power Again’

Since when could he ever be trusted?

It's all fake news!!


In short, nope❗️

No.  Dick by name...

Dick Cheney when as ked why the americans had tortured detainees in black facilities ( water boarded suspects) said:

"they said we cd do it"

specifically this one

director of the FBI - not sure why he was giving legal advice

When Comey was Deputy Attorney General in 2005, he endorsed a memorandum that approved the use of 13 so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" that included waterboarding[54] and sleep deprivation for up to 180 hours (7+1⁄2 days), which would be used by the CIA when interrogating suspects.

just in case the AB mimsy squad say that saying someone authorised obvious torture of men was obviously (nay disgracefully) un mimsy

PS dont read Comey 's autobiograpy it realy is a load of old ....  

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Dick Cheney (Former Republican Vice President) Recently Said That ‘Trump Can Never Be Trusted With Power Again’

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