Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
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Are we evolving into a more savage species or is it the upbringing of these kids? My area is full of theses kids causing trouble.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.upbringing certainly has a lot to do with it.also,there is little for a lot of youngsters to do.i'd say the country is descending into lawlessness.years ago when the birch was being used,this wouldn't have been the case.quite a few years ago a youngster was found guilty of damaging cars in singapore and was given a few whacks with a cane sort of thing.he swore he would never get into trouble again.what does THAT tell you.but of couse there are too many do-gooders in this country who wont let it happen here.we as a nation are far too soft with these cretins.
I partly disagree with you, Jaberwocky.
Yes, they need to be harsher punishments, community service etc, but using punishments that evolve hitting a child is crossing the line.
Smacking by their parents, yes, but such extremeties is a violations of not just the human rights act, but is also child abuse.
It is against the law. There are other ways of dealing with Yobs.
Many become yobs because of influence, or maybe mental problems, or the way they were brought up.
Both parents, the goverment, and the police are all partly to blame in some ways, and the yobs have themselves to blame in other ways.
Yes, they need to be harsher punishments, community service etc, but using punishments that evolve hitting a child is crossing the line.
Smacking by their parents, yes, but such extremeties is a violations of not just the human rights act, but is also child abuse.
It is against the law. There are other ways of dealing with Yobs.
Many become yobs because of influence, or maybe mental problems, or the way they were brought up.
Both parents, the goverment, and the police are all partly to blame in some ways, and the yobs have themselves to blame in other ways.
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So many reasons.
Bad parents who don't care and expect the schools to look after the kids.
The PC morons who champion understanding rather than punishment while the litle monsters laugh in their faces.
Our societies blame culture where something is always someone elses fault. No one seems to be able accept responsibilty any more. People always blame the authorities rather than the perpetrators which is absurd.
The nanny state. People need to take responsibility for their own actions but with the government taking and more and more decisions out of the publics hands it is only going to get worse. It'll get to the point where if we do get our rights and responsibilities and freedoms back it'll be total anarchy as we just wont have a clue how we should operate in a free and civilised society.
Bad parents who don't care and expect the schools to look after the kids.
The PC morons who champion understanding rather than punishment while the litle monsters laugh in their faces.
Our societies blame culture where something is always someone elses fault. No one seems to be able accept responsibilty any more. People always blame the authorities rather than the perpetrators which is absurd.
The nanny state. People need to take responsibility for their own actions but with the government taking and more and more decisions out of the publics hands it is only going to get worse. It'll get to the point where if we do get our rights and responsibilities and freedoms back it'll be total anarchy as we just wont have a clue how we should operate in a free and civilised society.
Community service Josh, are you loking,that's where the scrotes do old ladies lawns up and spy in the window to see if owts worth nicking. You may think it's wrong to clout a yob,but obviously your approach isn't working. You try working in late night premises when these tearaways are terrorising staff,and no one dare say or do anything in case if infringes the litle misunderstoods dignity,after all,they're really just "little scamps" aren't they?
I'm with Tonyted,bring back borstals and in school,the cane,and on the street,short,sharp justice. Any damage they do,either them,or their parents should be made to pay.
I'm with Tonyted,bring back borstals and in school,the cane,and on the street,short,sharp justice. Any damage they do,either them,or their parents should be made to pay.
As JTP says, yob culture has been round for many many years. Even further back than any of us can recall. It is a general disregard for common decency and this can span from drunken city executives being obscene and abusive to restaurant or bar staff, to parents threatening teachers who reprimand their children, to violent football thugs and teenagers on the rampage in your local High Street.
This is a civilised society. Perhaps a more savage species was one where we used to rampage throughout the country feuding and abroad waving swords, declaring war, killing anything in our way, raping, pillaging and enslaving any women and children who might be worth a few bob. In those days, the more heads you chopped off, the more wealth and land you owned � and if really good at chopping off heads you earned a knighthood.
Have we really changed that much? Or are we just leading by modern example? Are we not all guilty in some way of advocating the belief that to be anything in this life you need to be rich and famous? If you can�t do that legally (you know� talent, hard work, perseverance, career, luck, winning X-Factor/Big Brother etc) then the only other way to emulate this is by illegal means. The East End in the 60�s was terrorised by the Kray twins et al. Now they are folk heroes, what does that tell you?
As said above, many young people grow up to believe that things are 'given'. You shouldn�t have to work hard to gain anything, and if you break the law to get something that you believe should be yours, then it must be the fault of someone else. Parents will often agree that it is the police/government/local authority but never themselves.
This is a civilised society. Perhaps a more savage species was one where we used to rampage throughout the country feuding and abroad waving swords, declaring war, killing anything in our way, raping, pillaging and enslaving any women and children who might be worth a few bob. In those days, the more heads you chopped off, the more wealth and land you owned � and if really good at chopping off heads you earned a knighthood.
Have we really changed that much? Or are we just leading by modern example? Are we not all guilty in some way of advocating the belief that to be anything in this life you need to be rich and famous? If you can�t do that legally (you know� talent, hard work, perseverance, career, luck, winning X-Factor/Big Brother etc) then the only other way to emulate this is by illegal means. The East End in the 60�s was terrorised by the Kray twins et al. Now they are folk heroes, what does that tell you?
As said above, many young people grow up to believe that things are 'given'. You shouldn�t have to work hard to gain anything, and if you break the law to get something that you believe should be yours, then it must be the fault of someone else. Parents will often agree that it is the police/government/local authority but never themselves.
"the manners of children are deteriorating, the child of today is coarser, more vulgar, less refined"
"the breakup or impairment of the old ideas of of discipline or order"
Do they both sound about right? talking about the youth of today and how they are sooo much worse than they used to be?
Those words were written in 1898 !
I wonder how many of us have rosetinted glasses on about the "good old days"?
"the breakup or impairment of the old ideas of of discipline or order"
Do they both sound about right? talking about the youth of today and how they are sooo much worse than they used to be?
Those words were written in 1898 !
I wonder how many of us have rosetinted glasses on about the "good old days"?
One acknowledged reason for the increase in anti-social behaviour is the breakdwon of the extended family support network.
Generations gone by moved within close proximity to parents and other relatives, and youngsters enjoyed a good mix of input into their lives from varying age ranges.
The government stupidly thinks that twenty-four hour drinking will stop the binge culture we endure because no-one will be on a time limit. The nonsense is, Europeans drink to enjoy a drink, English people drink to be drunk, and there is no obvious way of one attitude replacing the other.
The reason why European youngsters behave better is because they spend a lot of social time interacting with their parents and other adults. The reason why British youngsters behave badly is because they spend a lot of their time with each other, as a bored socially excluded group with no guidance or support.
It's not difficult to find the reasons, it's the solutions that are the tough bit.
Generations gone by moved within close proximity to parents and other relatives, and youngsters enjoyed a good mix of input into their lives from varying age ranges.
The government stupidly thinks that twenty-four hour drinking will stop the binge culture we endure because no-one will be on a time limit. The nonsense is, Europeans drink to enjoy a drink, English people drink to be drunk, and there is no obvious way of one attitude replacing the other.
The reason why European youngsters behave better is because they spend a lot of social time interacting with their parents and other adults. The reason why British youngsters behave badly is because they spend a lot of their time with each other, as a bored socially excluded group with no guidance or support.
It's not difficult to find the reasons, it's the solutions that are the tough bit.
It's nurture not nature! Upbringing is the main problem, the schools and Police then have to deal with the kids when the parents have failed. I'ts not the whole solution but xero tolerance policing has been proved to work first in New York and in this country - but I have met Police who disagree with it 0 that's why we get alot of trouble where I live.