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Is there a psychologist out there?

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rosamundjohn | 23:22 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Society & Culture
169 Answers
I want to live alone. I enjoy my own company .I am not interested in other people if they are not useful to me. I don't like to socialise as most people just talk rubbish.

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I think I need a psychologist.

(Incidently if you'd spent the morning observing my mother in her natural habitat you really would worry... I'm still waiting for her to notice the time and start up the 'where does the time go' speech as she realises she is once again running late. She's actually sort of fascinating)
I partly fall in to this category. Only occasionally do I venture out of my husbands company. I have a 'dread' of being asked out by friends on a 'regular' basis. I think I have been viewed in the past possibly as stand -offish. One of my sister inlaws once had the option to move next door to me, it was my worst nightmare & caused conflict between me and my husband. Sister inlaw is a lovely person, but I enjoy privacy & didn't want to have to chat over the fence if we were to see each other in the garden. I can't explain why I am like this at all. We have each other, of course we have family get togethers, but I'd hate to be 'expected' to scialise with someone on a regular basis.
Yes yes China, my wife uses the �there isn�t enough time for me to get ready� argument three hours before we are due to go out. Some people eh.

Skyep, I am often considered aloof, arrogant, opinionated or self righteous on AB. In person I am none of these, except in business of course.
He's really not, he's a little duckie.
I love the odd unexpected night out, but, don't ask for commitment off me, I can be quite blunt when pushed in to a corner. I am a very warm & tactile person on a one to one basis. May be over the years as a couple we have 'slipped' in to a comfort zone, one we both freely comply with.
I really hate people calling on me unexpectedly. I really could not live on a housing estate or cope with lots of neighbours and chatting over the fence! I often hide when people call on me! Should I worry?
Lofty - I hate people calling on me unexpected too! I always think it's really inconsiderate. I always let someone know if I visit them, which isn't often.
So do I skyep. I always ring first, even if it's my best friend (who always says that there's no need to ring). But hiding is a bit extreme isn't it. I have been known to crawl along beneath the front windows in my efforts to hide.
Skyep and Lofft,
You both sound so much like me.
I have to socialise at work but when I come home, I do need my own space.
Think Hubby and I appear to be a bit selfish at times, as we like to socialise sometimes, but on our own terms.
As I said, probably a bit selfish.
lol lofty - Invest in cctv, it's the 'loners' ideal gadget!!!!!!!!
Thank you rosa for this thread, you have brought the unsociable together! After all, we can chat, but we're pixels away lol xxx lofty, are you married or single? I sometimes think, if anything happened to my lovely husband, I would be single out of choice. I would have relationships, but I would stay on my own.
Hi cruella, I hope you and yours are good? I identify with 'on our own terms' I think what it is, I am very uncomfortable if someone dosent 'tick' my boxes. That sentence sounds so arrogant!
I don't like heavy smokers
Too much swearing
Sorry, that is me, simple as.
I�m not a big fan. Certain family members always drop the hint about having to make an appointment to see us etc etc, but I just say, yes that�s right as we might be busy.

With a very serious face, tell them that you are not one for popping round to people's home without an invitation unless it's essential, because when you go round uninvited people might think you're nosey, lonely or without the manners to check it is convenient first.

Its your door, you don�t have to open it.
I'm married. But like you if anything happened to Mr LL I would choose to live alone. I am very self sufficient.
Just when this is getting interesting and finding that there are others like myself and Hubby, I have to go to hospital with him indoors.
Catch you all later.
There are obviously quite a few of us. I have a friend who says her door is always open to anybody who cares to call and she thrives on it. She carries on regardless with what she is doing whilst people come and go. Me, I have to prepare myself for a visitor (and sometimes dread it!)

But do any of you hide like I do? Should I seek help?
Catch you later cruella xxxx
lofty - I 'have' pretended not to be in :0( With the help of my cctv lol xxx
Octavius your answer is spot on. i agree with everything you said.
Hi pixi, yes I agree! I feel as I have got older, I have to just speak my mind regardless.
rosamund - Are you being unsociable? lol xxx

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