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Is there a psychologist out there?

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rosamundjohn | 23:22 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Society & Culture
169 Answers
I want to live alone. I enjoy my own company .I am not interested in other people if they are not useful to me. I don't like to socialise as most people just talk rubbish.

Comments please?


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This is very weird!! I don't send xmas cards either and only b'day cards when I absolutely have to!! My brother keeps calling us freaks, now I can say factually that we're not. Crouching tiger, hidden Bananie. We're only in our 30's as well.
bananie! That! is! a! cracker! I have just laughed out loud!!! xxx
Hi sky - here i am as requested. Just gimme a bit to read through 60 odd posts.....
Okey coke xxx
I absolutely agree with you 100 %.
Bathsheba! lol xxxxx
sorry about this rosamundjohn - look at what you've started, there seems to be a lot of us about - funny how we've plenty to say on here!

bananie, it's the local ones we don't like posting through the door - where they might see us coming, :o)
mmmmmm - We're an odd lot don't you think? As I said earlier, is it the world we live in now that's making us all introverts?
Yeah robinia - there's distance with a stamp lol!!!
mmmm, should have been ummmmmm! xxx
I have studied what you have wriiten in great depth and after due consideration and in my very highly sought after opinion I hereby conclude that.

You are a miserable git.

but seeing as I also belong in this category, would you be CEO of the newly formed miserable gits society?
I'm on the band wagon now!

Me and my hubby have actually made up an excuse not to go to out for a social evening with work friends, just to curl up on the sofa with a take away and film........ hmmmmm!
Hi lovely ray xxxx
Right, think I'm up to date now. What an interesting thread!! I'm so glad there's so many of you just like me!
I hate unexpected visitors- what's difficult about phoning ahead 1st? Many times I pretend not to be at home when the doorbell rings.I much prefer to email or text friends, because i can choose a convenient time to do it, and they can choose a convenient time to read it.
As I've got older I'm much more content to spend time at home with my husband, although I have to admit that since I finished work I am so used to my own company in the house I find weekends + holidays a bit difficult to get used to if he's around during the day.
Hi andrea! ( don't blame you)
rosamund, where are you xxxx
bath - You talking about your husband lol!!!!
Hiya skippy and bathy, how you diddlin? hope you are both well xx has your migrine gone completly now Bathsheba?
Yeah sky, I know- but sometimes he's just in the way!!
No, I'm kidding, he's lovely, + very like me- the 1st thing we do if we receive a social invitation is get our heads together to come up with a convincing excuse! Sad or what?!
I hate xmas cards too, I hate recieving them as it's another card I have to write, but last few years I have told people not to give me any as I am cr@p at giving back! Me and hubby ar 27 and 33! I love xmas though!

I'm even a bit worried that when I leave work on maternity next week, that I will receive a present or card from collegues (as they always do), I'll get all embarrased!
Hi all, im afraid im a bit of a misery guts too.I dont like visiting people and i absolutely hate the world and her husband when i go supermarket shopping.

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