Dear John
It does seem that this argument will never go away. Accusations, insinuations, assumptions, aggravation, blame, gossip, hearsay . . . . call it what you may. The one certain thing is that there is a lot of ill-feeling.
One thing that is perfectly clear, is that 4GS for reasons of your own, chose to use Facebook to create an 'option' group to AnswerBank's Chatterbank. I cannot understand why there was a need for that. There must have been a reason - dislike of Chatterbank, eh 4GS?. Perhaps, hazarding a guess, the creator thought that it would cause controversy.
It is impossible to live harmoniously in two camps. It is often hard to live harmoniously in one! Sadly that has so often been proven to be.
But as a responsible 'leader' of Facebook's COTWU, 4GS would be better employed to stick with and nurture his new 'baby' and not spill over his grievances into Chatterbank - thus causing distress to innocent users.
Although AB Ed has been conspicuous by her absence, she doesn't venture into another website and spew criticisms abound like you do, 4GS. Where is your military style discipline these days? Did you abandon it when you lost respect? If you felt there was a need to create an alternative that is fine. Why don't you stay there? I well remember you getting hot under the collar about 3GS and 4GS. Now you have changed from victim to perpetrator.
You insist that people register an email address when invited to join COTWU. So you have the facility to contact people with comments directly, without using Chatterbank's open forum. To state on here that you have removed a user, is out of order. I told you why I left your site, and have repeated it here on another thread. So 4GS . . . . it is now time to shut up, grow up, give up and devote your time worrying about your dwindling membership and let ChatterBank look after itself. Better still - close COTWU.