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keyplus, if you read the post again, I never, anywhere in it, mentioned the Quran, so your twisting words, and if you think i'm possibly lying about anything, please tell me what.
'That is what I believe in as real God.', this is what you put at the end of your beliefs, full marks to you as a believer, but as I said in naomi's thread, have an open mind, Christians and other believers in their religion, believe that the God, or if you like, their version of God, is the right one, but believing in the same God, albeit different verions, doesn't give anyone the right to kill or threaten to kill others, as the particular Imams, (not Quran) because they think all the others are wrong.
Thanks for what you say on the last part of your answer.
naomi. Thanks for repeating my original question, and the reply you put, as always, you word things a little better that I do, however, I have another question for Keyplus,
In todays climate, what would happen to a Muslim, if he/she, stood up, and publicly announced that they no longer believed in God, and that that the Islamic religion is wrong?.