If it has no relevance to every day life then it is probably not philosophy; more likely, esoteric gibberish. Philosophy is the love of wisdom and being wise is all about sustaining and promoting the existence of those whose lives depend on and benefit from it.
In fact, we all live by a philosophy, although for most it is little more than a mish mosh of inherited and unexamined ideas and vague principles that satisfy the perceived requirements of most people. Sadly for those who find themselves in need of and seeking more than what they have been given the vast majority of what one is likely to find only leads one down a twisted torturous road paved with asserted half-truths, blanket equivocations, ancient fictions and new-age diversions. The state of human affairs is a manifestation of the diseased prevailing philosophy guiding the choices and actions of those relying on it to determine how best to live their lives and complacency and cynical resignation are its symptoms. However if you are able to find assimilate and benefit from a philosophy such as everton described, your efforts will be rewarded in measures previously unimaginable to degrees otherwise unattainable.
To the extent you value your time on earth and desire to make the most of it, a comprehensive evaluation of your present philosophy and providing that you are successful, the acquisition and implementation of a philosophy that enables you to understand what you are, could and should be might well be the wisest investment of your available time. But if you find yourself getting bogged down in deepening confusion, take a step back . . . in such a case you’re better off going with what you already know. Better to be certain of little than to wonder too much.