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How have you found the smoking ban?

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AB Editor | 01:00 Fri 13th Jul 2007 | Society & Culture
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The smoking ban has been in force for almost two weeks now. How have you found it?

  • It's much better now; it is nice not to have to breathe in someone else's cigarette fumes - 715 votes
  • 53%
  • It's rubbish. Loads of people are hanging around the street and there are fag ends everywhere - 304 votes
  • 23%
  • I haven't noticed a huge difference, there is no cigarette smell but I wouldn't say it has made me want to go out more or less - 222 votes
  • 17%
  • It has probably helped those who smoke cut down but it is not the same going into a pub without the smell of cigarettes - 104 votes
  • 8%

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How have you found the smoking ban?

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