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Has Remembrance Day lost its meaning?

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AB Editor | 01:00 Fri 02nd Nov 2007 | Society & Culture
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Remembrance Day is coming up and soon the familiar poppies will be available. Has Remembrance Day lost its meaning? Do people still appreciate what it represents?

  • The poppies may have lost some of their significance but most people do still care. - 376 votes
  • 38%
  • It is something that is still at the front of people's minds. The fact that so many poppies are bought each year proves that people are still grateful. - 268 votes
  • 27%
  • Some people just wear the poppies without really knowing what it is they're commemorating. More should be done to acknowledge its significance and increase awareness. - 227 votes
  • 23%
  • Most people today just don't understand what it represents. It's become a meaningless day, which doesn't do justice to the men who died. - 131 votes
  • 13%

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Has Remembrance Day lost its meaning?

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