RJUKL, the solution is simple. Disband our current benefits system.
If I were PM then the benefits handouts would be stopped. If you are not working then the government will ensure that you have the basics. Household appliances will come from a central store, and if they are damaged then you have to pay for them.
Food vouchers, which are not redeemable against booze, smokes, DVDs, etc will be issued instead of cash.
At the time time of your childs birthday/christmas you will be issued with an Argos voucher which can only be used to buy toys.
You will be issued Primark vouchers for clothes.
You will be inspected regularly to ensure you are not living beyond on your means. If they find a 36" Plasma tv in your place then it will be removed and sold to replace the money spent on you.
Voluntary work will be carried out by you, until you get yourself a job and contribute back to the system.