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would you be happy if your husband/wife

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crisgal | 21:55 Tue 29th Jun 2010 | Society & Culture
16 Answers
were facebook friends with an ex?

I am really not happy about it. Would you be?


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My fella is "real" friends with his ex - that's far worse cris
depends if I liked them or not lol. No it wouldnt bother me as I trust my man 100%. there is one girl thats his ex that I wouldnt want him to be friends with as I hate her but not because of him. She tried adding him although she cheated on him, and he told me and I said 'do what you want' he then ignored her. If your partner really wants to speak to the ex they dont need to be friends they can still private message.
I'm face book friends with my ex-husband, and at least a couple of old boyfriends... However, I don't have a boyfriend at the moment to get in a pickle about it so, no drama there then...!
probably about 10 of my exes on mine lol
Personally I feel I can trust my woman so it wouldn't bother me.
Our relationship would be in a difficult place if this were not the case.
its better they are facebook friends where you can keep an eye on em he he
I have an ex on FB, in fact hes also a friend on Mr CRXs FB i think.

My ex hubby isnt on FB but hes one of my closest friends and Mr CRX doesnt mind a bit
I am with all of my ex's and so is he. My partner trusts me as I trust him.
I'm not on it but my wife is and from what I can see of it it means nothing to be friends with people, it's basically the done thing to be friends with almost anyone you even half know.
Sorry cris,isnt this question better in body and soul
I haven't got any ex's!! Well I probably have somewhere around, but they would all be in their mid sixties/seventies by now.
or gone on to higher places!!
At the end of the day it is all down to trust, it wouldn't bother me, I have total 100%trust in my Woman.
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theres nothing wrong with remaining freinds with your exes, however when they cross the line and start flirting and reminding eachother of what a good time they had together, then that becomes a problem

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would you be happy if your husband/wife

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