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inacoma | 18:32 Thu 02nd Dec 2010 | Technology
14 Answers
hello, i'm inacoma's son,
I was on my xbox 360 all night last night, and it was completely fine. Yet today it will not read any disc's, i've tried modern warfare 2 and call of duty black ops and it just says open disc tray...
i went to blockbusters and they said it was probably my disk drive, is their any way of fixing this:)


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Im assuming these are rental games. Have you tried one you own and have looked after from new? If it wont work try it in another xbox and if it works in that one its then clearly a problem with your xbox.

Do downloaded games or demos work? That would rule out the processors or operating system and hard drive. If its still under warranty get in touch with microsoft. If out of warranty google a local repair centre.

Good luck
Question Author
Its my own game, and my xbox is way out of warranty.
I think the only option is to get a new xbox for christmas.
Thankyou anyway...
Ask for a new one for Christmas. ;-)
Can I have the old one? Seriously.
I've had mine nearly 5 years so if it fails completely i would but a cheap new one and just transfer the data from the first one HD, its probably the cheapest way.
Another thought - Try an external disk drive. It might be cheaper to buy an external disk drive than a Xbox
"I was on my xbox 360 all night last night"

Forgot to ask - How are your eyes today? ;-)
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my eyes are fine ;)
used to long hours of xbox...
and i am getting an xbox arcade for Christmas and removing my hard-rive from the old one.
How much you want for the old, broken one? ... I'm serious.
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how much are you offering...
I honestly have no idea ... I know very little about them, I have no intention of playing games on it either. I'm 'told' that I can stream movies wirelessly from my laptop to my TV with an X-Box, so I'm assuming one with a busted drive won't matter much to me?

I don't want to buy a new one, because, as I say, I won't use it for gaming.

i dunno, what's a busted X-Box worth? lol
Ask Ummm Naz, you might get a discount. lol
-- answer removed -- me :-)

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