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So....what are you giving up for Lent?

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merciasounds | 10:29 Tue 08th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Or, what would you LIKE to be able to give up?


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I've no sweet things in to make up as pancakes tut, i;ll have to go and buy some sugar and jam and lemon to make the pancakes to symbolise giving up sweet things for lent lol
Ive given up, giving up! I'm into indulgence!
Nothing. One of the occasions when I'm glad I do not believe. Thank God (joke).:-) ☺
it's a Catholic thing, isn't it?
Isn't "giving up" such a negative thing - better, I think, to DO something positive for Lent.
I give up my weekly massage during Lent and donate the money saved to Oxfam.
I will be using a swear box for lent money to Cats protection....
I gave up sex about five years ago and still adhere to it, but only cus.....I`m not able any longer.......weep.....weep.
Caviare, Havana Cigars, one visit a week to the massage parlour instead of two. .........................blimey how long does Lent last for?
Im going to stop been Mr nice and be a utter pudding for the next 40 days ;-)
It's 40 long days, Sqad
sandy..........thanks.....forget my previous thread.
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I'm not a Catholic - but I had to stay with an aunt who was when I was 5, anyway the upshot was, I gave up sugar in tea, and I've never went back to it. And now I'm with Ratters, I've given up giving up coz I too am into indulgence!!
I always had a little cardboard box from sunday school to collect money for african children, i am C of E not Catholic. We had a missionary out there from our parish church called Robin McGlashon, we said a prayer for him every Sunday in Sunday School. Never laid eyes on the guy but he was a part of our childhood somehow. Wonder what happened to him. We always gave up our saturday packet of sweets and put the 6d in the box. There were 4 of us and so it was 2s a week for 6 weeks and then we took it back and handed it in at the Easter Sunday church service, we all walked up the aisle to give the boxes to the vicar.
im giving up......................sun , sea , sex , and sangria.
In school there was a regular collection for 'The Black Babies'. I suppose that wouldn't be the proper phrase now.
awww no Anne, all of the best stuff eh?
I'm giving up caring.
dotty what a lovely childhood memory.
carlton - perhaps a visit to sqad's massage parlour would help. :-)

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So....what are you giving up for Lent?

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