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Religion & Spirituality

Welcome To Religion & Spirituality.

Here is the place to discuss religious and spiritual matters.

"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

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Pardon the pun, but playing devils advocate here. Are the atheists and non-religious who contribute to R&S (and I'm including myself in this) sometimes a bit too quick to condemn, criticise and type...
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Theland Atheist, with a name like that, it seems you have already closed your mind and donned a straightjacket. But to hold your belief, or lack thereof, I expect you to possess...
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Wasn't quite sure where to put this poem but opted for this section. Prayer Some days, although we cannot pray, a prayer utters itself. So, a woman will lift her head from the sieve of her hands and...
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Why are humans the only animals on the planet that *seem* to have religious convictions? I don't see any chimps or gorillas having wars over religion? There have been millions of different life forms...
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I understand that Jesus believed in eternal damnation and punishment, and that the sin against the Holy Ghost would never be forgiven in this life or the next. Do many modern christians believe this?...
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..............from O God Our Help In Ages Past, at the Remembrance Sunday service at The Cenotaph? Time like an ever rolling stream Bears all it's sons away They fly forgotten as dream Dies at the...
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What do you think?
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Anyone here had any experiences with occult based religious beliefs or personally knew anyone who was involved with such? (such as Wicca, Paganism, or various magickal practices). Ive known a few...
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Concerning the mass murder of abortion, this is the most horrible video I have ever seen! Try and watch it to the end. It is shocking!...
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There are many YouTube videos dealing with Israel in prophecy. Some a bit naff, but so many factual and should not be ignored. If you have an open mind, check them out yourself. And then say what you...
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Hi Nailit. How is your halo? Mine is polished and back on my head. Fits perfectly. Now, glowing with light, I am ready for the inevitable onslaught from the designer critics. (Wonder how many pairs of...
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What is your attitude to your local church? Are they a source of division and conflict, or do they serve the local community in any tangible way? And what about the clergy and the regular worshippers?...
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Recently read through another thread where it was said that homosexuality was a 'preference'. Just when are religionist going to understand that someone's sexuality is NOT a preference, its who they...
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Witnessing the emotional outpourings on 11/11 and the Christian services in the Abbey, at the Cenotaph, and many others, it is obvious that most people recognise that we live in an essentially...
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Why should God reveal Himself to those who do not search for Him, and state their enmity to Him? "Eyes blinded to the Truth."...
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Anyone here on AB into this stuff?...
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I honestly think that some, (at least one,) are tormented souls, who search, but never find, and so aggressively try to pull down those who have found peace with God, in spite of the pain of daily...
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This is NOT the sort of video i would ever watch.. But i came across it. Do you believe you can be a feminist, and a devoted christian?
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Some religions ( and some R&S posters) postulate that hell is a just and final destination for unbelievers. Apart from the obvious (eternal punishment for finite sins is unjust) can anyone conceive of...
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With so many scientists believeing in God, and proofs such as intelligent design established, and the valid criticisms of evolution not being successfully challenged, would you now at least consider...

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