Keyplus, I don't know what point you think you've proven, but how did I know you were going to wheel out the same old rubbish? Gosh! I must be psychic! Yes, his books are still taught in medical colleges. However, sadly for you (and for some unfortunate Islamic medical students) the books used in the west aren't the same as those used in some Muslim countries - and for very obvious reasons.
I've grabbed this quickly from here:
http://www.answering-...t-is-truth/chap03.htm .... but I think it might do well enough to get the point across - that's of course if you're listening.
//Professor Moore's book The Developing Human, 3rd edition, has two different editions: the standard edition which is used in the west, and the "Islamic" edition which is used in some Muslim colleges. Comparing the two editions, it seems that not even Prof. Moore is sufficiently convinced by the scientific "facts" in the Qu'ran to risk his reputation as a prominent academic in the Western world. The Islamic edition (also in the 3rd edition) of his textbook is not even available in the British Library, nor can it be found in the US Library of Congress, nor in medical libraries in Western countries, presumably because he is aware that not only do the Islamic contributions to it contradict known science, but they also contradict what he himself has written in the standard version of his textbook. Perhaps Prof. Moore's desire to sell his textbooks overseas was greater than his desire to seek the scientific truth?//
If you want to read the rest, be my guest. It talks about the Greeks, and the errors Mohammed copied from them, so it should interest you.
Keyplus, Keith Moore was in the pay of the Saudis when he made that pathetic film 40 years ago. Can you imagine the reaction if he'd have told the truth that the science of the Koran is inaccurate? I suspect he may well have forfeited his head for his trouble! Fortunately, you still have yours, so why not try using it for once? Does it never occur to you to ask why the world's academics don't extol the virtues of the Koran for its masterful scientific insight? Doesn't that strike you as odd? Just a thought - which of course, you are most welcome to. ;o)
Oh, and can we now please say goodbye once and for all to the unfortunate Professor Moore?! Thank you.
Mibs, bless you my son. :o)