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An imperfect God

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naomi24 | 08:54 Thu 13th Oct 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
84 Answers
The God promoted by believers cannot be reconciled with the God of the Bible. He made mistakes, he was unjust, and he was neither omniscient nor omnipresent. Nevertheless, despite glaring evidence to the contrary, members of his fan club tell us he was perfect. How do they justify that?


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it does seem there were two gods in the Bible, coming from different traditions (probably two tribes) - one remote being, the other a more or less human one who'd stroll round the Garden of Eden in the evening chatting to people. They were sort of combined into one by later editors, but not wholly successfully.
Perhaps they learnt as time went on that their initial impressions of God were incorrect ? Anyway the term God seems to mean something different in past times. Weren't some emperors and pharaohs considered Gods, or promoted to be so ?
God just works in mysterious ways Naomi, we infidels will never understand :)
//An Imperfect God// . . . to put it mildly!

I should hope we as mere mortals could do better if we put our minds to it rather than attempting to carrying on with outdated traditions.

Religion might have been an improvement over what prehistoric cavemen had, (although there's room for doubt in several regards). All the same, we are not (all) living in caves any longer and given the technology we now have it is incumbent upon us to do better, to apply the same rationality that gave us our current knowledge to learning to use it wisely.
"members of his fan club tell us he was perfect"

well they would, wouldnt they.

"How do they justify that?"

any way they see fit that accords with their belief system.

so what if he is written down as being perfect or imperfect, he doesn't fricking exist anyway. this is just splitting hairs.
Not only in past times, OG. Hitler, Stalin and Mao were venerated as if they had supernatural powers.
Anyone who can demonstrate something coming from nothing is bound to be venerated by some as supernatural until the something runs out or is proven to never have existed in the first place.
very true. whatever happened to david icke ?
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This subject is fundamental to belief in this supposedly perfect Almighty Creator God. However, strangely enough, after recently subjecting the rest of us to a multitude of interminable sermons - liberally laced with carefully selected biblical texts and references telling us what we must do - and, horror of horrors, what will happen to us if we don't - the silence from the faithful is suddenly deafening.

Never mind. As Scarlet O'Hara would have it - 'Tomorrow is another day' - so I live in hope.

God! I sound almost ..... religious! :o)
'As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods.'
Just and unjust are human concepts. Why should anyone imagine that God is either?
I like the God what would flood the entire Earth or torment Job for a bit of amusement.
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Sicko. :o)
@ Naomi, "God! I sound almost ..... religious!" I feel you really are; otherwise, why do you spend so much effort on the 'Religion and Spirituality' topic?
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Ha ha! The mysteries of life, eh Khandro? :o)
I believe Naomi will not like me saying this, but I, too, think she is a lost soul desperate for the comforts of mother church. If only she would open her heart to its loving embrace.
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Haaaaaaaa! Sandy, you always were a silly sod. :o)

Night all. Much love. x
-- answer removed --
Ha ha... Naomi a lost soul desperate for the comforts of mother church?

If so, she is making a pretty good job of disproving much of her belief. :-)
yes, but it all gets a bit soapboxy sometimes, and thats not good on a constant basis coming from believers or non-believers.
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Ha ha! One does ones best, Wildwood. ;o)
"after recently subjecting the rest of us to a multitude of interminable sermons....the silence from the faithful is suddenly deafening."

what? all two of them - keyplus and the jehovah triumvirate.

casting your net to reel them in to give them a jolly good lecture all seems a bit religious to me. maybe you should try shouting in the street waving some pamphlets?

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