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Happy Christmas, Elderman!

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beckersjay | 23:03 Fri 23rd Dec 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
91 Answers
Elderman, I don't always agree with the things you say but I hate the way you are treated by many ABers. I hope you and your family have a good, peaceful and loving Christmas.


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Elderman is a Jehovah's Witness and they do not celebrate Christmas because it is not prescribed in the Bible.
I think the JWs make a celebration out of not celebrating Christmas - going out on the door knocking.
Well that's that one up the spout then!
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^^ What he said.
Being a "non believer" with what I like to think are "christian" values I am happy to wish any one on here a Happy Christmas. How it's received is up to the individual. Happy Christmas everyone.
There was a knock on the door this morning,there was a lad standing there who said

"I'm a Jehovah's Witness".

I said "Come in, sit down, now, what do you want to talk about"?

He said, " F##ked if I know, I've never got this far before".
Beckersjay, This is answerbank, Elderman asks silly questions, he gets silly amswers, If he asked intelligent questions he would get intelligent answers. If he treats ABers as mindless cretins then he gets treated appropriately.
Praise the Lord....
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Well,apart from noting the usual formulaic responses to anthing that involves Elderman and others, I hope that Elderman appreciates the kind sentiments whether he celebrates Christmas or not.
For the record, birdie, jomifl et al, I do not believe that anyone's beliefs or faith deserve derision if they are sincerely held. Including yours, of course. And incidentally, Happy Christmas to you all, or happy whatever else it is you celebrate.
beckersjay // I do not believe that anyone's beliefs or faith deserve derision if they are sincerely held. //

Adolph Hilter and his friends were very sincere about their beliefs. So were many other fascist powers throughout history. So you wouldn't deride them?

I have no respect for their beliefs not those of someone naive enough to think sincerity is sufficient reason to afford respect.
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I rather thought Hitler might creep into this thread. I have some personal doubts whether Hitler acted on a 'belief' as such - this gets into a much broader discussion about the distinction between religion/belief and politics/megalomania and self-interest. Culture and religion has been used as an excuse for a lot of things over the ages that have very little to do with culture or religion.
That is a very theistidc argument. Anything that deosn't fit the prejudice is simply defined as being outside of it.

Religion is just another form of fascism and deserves the same respect.
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Whatever, beso, shall we agree to differ? Happy Christmas anyway.
The Hebrew genocide perpetrated upon more than thrity tribes in their campaign to conquer "The Holy Land" for "The Chosen Race" puts behaviour of Joshua and Hilter on a par with regards to megalomania.

Would you care to explain how these are differentiate with as one being upheld as a wonderful example of the grandeur of the Lord and the other being considered an atrocity by a maniac?
We can agreee to disagree on that but you like it or not you have nowhere to hide from the facts. Those who share your maligned illusion should not expect the slightest respect for your twisted beliefs.
//this gets into a much broader discussion about the distinction between religion/belief and politics/megalomania and self-interest.//

Religion is self-interest.
Happy Christmas anyway, beckersjay, in the spirit in which it's intended.

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Happy Christmas, Elderman!

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