I walked into a restaurant once and saw three teenage boys sitting with their heads down and their hands in their laps as if in prayer. As I got closer I realized they were all texting. Some people just found new gods to worship.
jomifl, Where is it written that believers are more charitable? Even as I type there are probably atheistic do-gooders girding their loins in preparation for toil in the charity shop, the doss house, or on the soup run. And all done without thought of reward in this life or the next.
I don't see this huge atheist split on here. Yes there are plenty of people who say they are, and I believe them - but a lot of the argument takes place between people who do have a faith (but may not want to say what it is), who are arguing with those who state categorically that theirs is the only right way to believe, and the rest of us are all damned. Those are the ones I argue with - they are so tunnel-visioned.
Wildwood has it right. The absence of belief in any God is the default position for human beings - no one is born believing - and therefore word 'a-theist' shouldn't exist. I'm an a-unicornist too. :o)
I can't actually see where those respectable academics claim to believe in unicorns, but I'll await the results of any research they may carry out with interest. ;o)
The reason you cannot see the unicorns Naomi, is that only true believers are granted the honour of seeing the horn - all the infidels and unbelievers see are horses, contentedly grazing in fields ;)
Well, I am glad that your faith gives you comfort Humbersloop.
I am not at all sure that declaiming that you an unshakeable faith ( belief in the absence of evidence) is something to brag about or feel good about though - Why do you think that a statement of irrationality, an implication that you would reject out of hand evidence antithetical to your belief is something to feel good about?
Because, Lazy, it gives me a complete belief system that explains the world to me, absolves me - to some extent - of assuming responsibility for my own actions and allows me to feel sorry for those who don't share my views and tell them off sometimes.
No they didn't Sandy. The whole Noah's Ark thing was concocted by some early schismatics who needed to justify their own lack of faith. Obviously.
Unicorns have always been with us, and this insistence on proof is getting quite irritating frankly. I'm off to find relevant the cut and paste bit now, and then you'll be sorry.