Ankou, thanks for the link; I'll be looking more at this website.
The article was excellent, but (in my opinion) confuses two notions: avoiding gratuitous insult (slapping the fish in their faces) and modifying your own private behaviour to protect the salmon-haters from the intense pain they feel "even hearing about people taking pictures of salmon". Let's concede the premise of the article that this pain is real rather than contrived, then how can they be protected? If hearing about it is enough to aggrieve them, why not just imagining its possibility? And at what point do concessions to the delusion stop? What, for instance, should be the correct punishment for the causers of pain? Take away the camera for a first offence? Or maybe the only way the pain can be assuaged is by capital punishment, say stoning?
Back to the topic. I (and I suppose most other AB atheists) have no wish to abuse or insult Muslims, but neither do I want to be bullied by them.
If they are a right they will always and forever have the last laugh, won't they?