what do you think of when you hear the word Jihad? in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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what do you think of when you hear the word Jihad?

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sith123 | 08:38 Sun 12th Feb 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
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Depends in what context it is used
So many people just think 'bombs and war'
murdering innocents
Does it have a meaning of struggling to lead a good life?
only one that always stands out,

War fuelled by extremist religious belief.
Most people don't know the true meaning of the word, as per em10's post.

For most non-Muslims, it has become charged with one meaning, much as the word "crusade" is used by some Muslims.
Hi Sith, Jihad to me means some kind of (possibly religious)campaign sponsored by an immam of high status or political influence that imbues muslims with some kind of religious authority to do things that would not normally be done. Now I'll look it up and see how wrong I am!
My 60 year old dictionary (which predates recent influences on the meaning of 'jihad') has the following;

'A mohammedan holy war, a war opposing some principle or doctrine'

I await further enlightenment
I too have gone all old school and consulted an Oxford Concise received as a gift in 1979 and:

jihad, jehad, Religious war of Muslims against unbelievers; campaign for or against a doctrine etc.
Whenever I think of the word "jihad" I think of the film Team America, a hilarious "puppet" film (made as a tribute to Thunderbirds) which looks at how "America" are going to "save the world" (by blowing everyone and everything up).

This one scene where "Garry" (an actor working for Team America) is trying to get into a club where terroists meet.
The meanings of words do of course change over time especially when they are adopted by yoof.
I'm thinking now mainly of awesome (ossum) which now seems to mean everyday and ordinary and ohmygodohmygodohmygod meaning something that could only be seen as important by a daft wee lassie has just happened.
struggle... it can mean violently or peacefully... inner or outer struggle..... it doesnt necessarily just mean holy war. I read somewhere ages ago that Ghandi's struggle for independence of india is a form of jihad. If you are struggling to improve yourself or society its jihad....
More people are going to die because of someone's imaginary friend in the sky.

Its rarely gonna be a good thing!
Hi pdust, Do you think that there was a strict definition in koranic terms and has it now become fairly vague because of a lot of mis-understanding and mis-use of the word?
its used in different ways in the Qur'an jom, from spreading the word of Islam, to fighting in self defence to fighting without it being self defence....

i can give quotes if you want .....
That's OK pdust I don't doubt your understsnding of it, thanks.
Could it have a similar meaning to the way 'imperialism' was used in the 19Th Century? Bring God's truth to poor benighted people in foreign places while at the same time advancing self interest?
‘Jihad’ means ‘to strive’. Among other things that would include a man’s internal struggle for personal improvement as well as struggle against perceived enemies. The word was relatively unknown in the west before 9/11, but is now synonymous with acts of aggression.
I must admit.... 'middle East', 'Muslims' and lately 'terrorism'.

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what do you think of when you hear the word Jihad?

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