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Humbersloop, none of us can cure the ills of the world, but personally I think there’s nothing to lose and much to gain in highlighting and discussing those ills.
Ron, That’s exactly it. Hedging your bets – in effect, believing that if you ultimately discover that a God does, indeed, exist, you will be accepted by him as one of the faithful because you have somehow avoided being trapped by his powers of omniscience, and outwitted him. I suspect that many who claim religion and advertise their piety along with their good deeds do it not only because they think it’s their pass into heaven, but also to impress other human beings. However, in my opinion, genuine kindness and goodwill comes from a genuinely good and kind heart. If it transpires that there is a God, and the rules that we’re told apply actually do apply, then I would imagine that some of these people are going to be very sadly disappointed - because rather than polishing their halos and taking up harp lessons, they’ll end up frizzling and frying for eternity with those damned atheists. ;o)