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beso | 11:49 Tue 10th Jul 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
26 Answers
They tell us He is omnipresent (is everywhere), omnipotent (all powerful) and omniscient (knows all)

Well His minions are certainly know-alls but what would be some more accurate adjectives for God?

Doesn't seem to be able to actually do anything. Omnipathetic.
Loves to see destruction. Omniannhilist.
Full of self importance. Omniconceited, omnipompous.

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Rest assure, you would find out the accurate adjective when the time is right.
Chakka - ////Simple logic dictates that God cannot be both omniscient and omnipotent.
If he is omniscient than he knows everyting he intends to do or think between now and eternity. Which means that he cannot be omnipotent because he can't then change anything.////

Someone did ask once that if God knows and it is written and decided what I want and what he would give me then why should I pray for that?
“May be its written and decided there that you would ask and then it would be given to you”, someone else said.

Very simple reply but makes lot of sense to anyone who would think. But for others, well they will keep on going round and round in circles.
Keyplus, I think you are going around in circles all by yourself. Someone else may say that the world is exactly how god wants it, someone else may say that god put atheists on the earth to show believers the error of their ways. Someone else may say that gods message is in the information that god is slowly revealing to scientists because they are willing to accept the truth. Someone else may say that we are all talking bullocks, they may well be right.
//they may well be right.// Too true! Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm..
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Keyplus, //“May be its written and decided there that you would ask and then it would be given to you”, someone else said.//

Who are these ‘someone elses’ you think are so wise? If it’s already been decided, God’s wish that you ask only serves to demonstrate, yet again, his warped personality. A bit less drastic than the Abraham and Isaac scenario – but similarly warped nevertheless.

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