Khandro, //but like the slipperiest of eels, she is avoiding to answer,//
That wasn’t a nice thing to say the first time it was said – and it’s still not a nice thing to say. At first glance I was surprised you felt such inane stupidity worthy of repetition. However, you did, and having given that, coupled with your consistently evasive performance here a little thought the evidence would suggest that the ability to recognise honesty eludes you, so it really comes as no surprise at all. Once again your only response to a difficult question – and one emanating from your own thoughtlessness - is to employ Keyplus’ favourite, but ever-futile, ‘get out’ tactic by posting a question of your own – and in the process, reducing the discussion to a personal level,
Now we have that straight, be assured that I don’t avoid questions and I’m happy to answer yours. Yes, to the best of my ability I do live my life based purely on logic, rationality and reasoning. The only time that fails me is when other people demonstrate that they are not worthy of the misplaced trust and respect I may have previously afforded them – but of course, being a rational creature, that is easily remedied.
Now, are you going to explain your statement – or are you still floundering?