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Have you read the Bible or Koran?

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flobadob | 15:56 Sun 02nd Sep 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
39 Answers
Have you read either of these books or any alternative from cover to cover, or perhaps only just browsed through them? If so do you continue to read them on a regular basis?


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I've browsed through the bible but never looked at the koran.
I've read all of the Bible and a significant part of the Koran, both in English translation.
No. I've only read the bits of the Bible I've HAD to read.
Yes, I've read both and no I haven't read either since, nor am I likely to.
I've read the bible from cover to cover (under duress, when I was a kid).
You are the only people I know who have read The Bible from cover to cover. I know people who intend to do this but have never done so.

I have read many bits of it but not the whole thing.
I already don't believe in either the bible or the koran so why would I read them? Since god doesn't seem to exist they are irrelevant technicalities.
Yes, I've read the whole of the Bible, except for a whole chapter (it seemed) that was," and Ahaab begat Ibram, and Iibram begat Meusli, and Meusli begat......".
Must admit I skipped most of that bit.
Yes, and no.
jomifl. The Bible and the Koran both exist. I sometimes enjoy a good book from the fiction department.
> I already don't believe in either the bible or the koran

Assuming you mean you don't believe in their teachings, then neither do I.

> so why would I read them?

To afford yourself an informed opinion about them without prejudice and ignorance.
"I already don't believe in either the bible or the koran so why would I read them?"

I don't believe in Peter Pan, but I quite enjoyed the book.
> but I quite enjoyed the book.

Allowing you to make your own mind up about what you thought about it without having someone tell you what to think, right...?
No neither, glanced at the bible once or twice but i knew how it ended so couldn't really get into it.
I didn't believe in the bible, I got proper freaked out the first time I saw one and realised it existed.
had the bible read to me and don't read it now.
and no and no to the koran.
> i knew how it ended

How did it end?
No I`ve never read the bible from cover to cover,I`ve got over reading fairy stories years ago.But I do use it for crossword answers.As for the koran why would I read another fairy story--no thanks.
[spoiler alert] The world ends in the final chapter i believe ... though i admit you got me googling the book of revelation to check it was at the end. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that the majority of my knowledge of this bit of the book is from the copious amounts of bad horror movies I've seen where seals are broken, horsemen ride and symbols are translated to welcome in the apocalypse... i am not a very cultured man.

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Have you read the Bible or Koran?

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