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BBC Songs of Praise

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robert551069 | 18:31 Sun 02nd Sep 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
1 Answers
I watched Songs of Praise this afternoon from The Old Royal Naval College Chapel in Greenwich.
1. It is more like a cathedral than a chapel.
2. Not a sailor in sight.
3. Some people couldn't help smiling when a TV camera was pointing at them... but they carried on singing.
Enjoyed the programme, though I am not religious. Next week it will be about grandparents.


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1. It is very impressive (even to an atheist like me!). The painted ceiling is beautiful.
2. 'Old' is the operative word. I think the Navy moved out about '96. One of its roles up to then was to train technicians for nuclear subs, so it had a nuclear reactor in the basement!

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BBC Songs of Praise

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