//Jesus was sent as no one beleived the first book//
Christianity didn’t exist within Jesus’ lifetime. Jesus was a devout Jew who told his followers to keep the law – the Jewish law. Like all Jews, he believed in the first book – and I don’t believe he ever intended the second to be written. In fact, I think he would be absolutely appalled at what has been promulgated in his name. In all of history, his reputation has been abused above all others – quite abominably. I genuinely feel very sorry for him.
Maggie, it’s a simple matter to write a story that appears to confirm the fulfillment of ancient prophecies – and if you are susceptible to the influence of those who appear to know what they’re talking about, it’s even easier to believe it. The truth is, no one knows the truth any more than you do. When they have only the same information at their disposal as you have, why would they? But back to the book. Had the writers, and numerous subsequent editors, not made ridiculous and thoughtless errors in attempting to portray Jesus as something he was not, it might have been worthy of consideration. As it is, it is not.
I’ve said it many times before, but I’ll say it again – if there is an almighty creator God, it is not the spiteful God of Abraham. His necessarily sycophantic followers have the wrong bloke!