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Unconditional Reverence And Obedience

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naomi24 | 14:02 Thu 28th Feb 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
32 Answers
Pope Benedict XVI has promised 'unconditional reverence and obedience' to his successor. What a ghastly thought! Can you imagine yourself making such a promise to anyone?


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No, nauseating concept, although like Chris says, from a doctrinal point of view he could hardly say anything else- which is, of course, a fundamental part of the problem - dogma and doctrine.

And certainly share Wildwoods disgust
"It is really nauseating to see all this unnecessary opulence and complete waste of money by an organisation that is supposed to help those less fortunate than most."
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doctorb, I'm not sure about the expectation - some people have very high hopes - but I would have thought that since you don't know what requests are likely come your way it's an impossible thing to offer.
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LG, indeed. Sycophancy in any guise is nauseating - and the opulence speaks volumes.
Yes Naomi. Impossible to offer or expect. I'm sure the cardinals are uttering many platitudes to each other as they busily sharpen the knives.
Happy birthday Theland . . . whenever.

2 billion seconds is just around the next bend. :o)

(apologies for the audio)
Have never been able to accept the infallibility of the Pope. He is male.
You missed the words "Even though"
I would suspect the promise means little. After all it's not as if he's likely to be planning a coup against the new pope sometime in the future. Don't they all do as they're told by the boss ? It's a statement for the ears of the followers.
Why did their God allow the cardinals, last time round, to elect a pope as His representative on earth who clearly wasn't the right man for the gig.
An outsider might start to get the impression that those same cardinals and their lapdogs had a vested interest in sustaining their lives of luxury by any means and were even now scurrying around, tweaking the rules to fit circumstances.

Yes, and in sickness and health until death us do part - pass me the bucket!
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Few traits of personality are most inappropriate than blind obedience and devotion.

Religion demands this trait of its devotees.

Do be careful to choose what you believe with a healthy degree of scepticism.

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