"atheists will argue that there is no God, so it is valueless to talk about God. But their reasoning is shortsighted. It is impossible to disprove the existence of God. "
This is not what atheists argue at all. More cut and paste. More evidence of failure to engage your brain.
It may indeed be impossible -right now- to disprove the existence of god- but that does not mean it will always be so.
And, to assume that this offers a kind of default position of gods existence - that if god cannot be disproved, that must mean god exists, is illogical and stupid.You can no more prove the existence of a god than gods presence can be disproved currently.
Lets also remember- believers have had 1000s of years of belief. It is only relatively recently in mans history that we have developed the tools that allow us to do more than the most cursory examination of the universe - and that examination is not good news for god.
"Walking in the name of a true God is better than all the popular gods of the peoples of the nations."
This is just a rhetorical statement - hot air, but absent any meaning.
"The choice of this latter course, the right course, is yet possible for lovers of life and happiness."
I would agree - choosing to reject the absurd irrationality that is religion in favour of a positive affirmation of the world and your place in it offers the prospect of much joie de vivre and happiness for those believers that reject all the guilt and superstitious baggage that religion brings into their lives.
"In recent years hundreds of thousands all around the globe have been awakened to the meaning of world events and have made the happy choice. It is not yet too late for you to do likewise."
Also true. The numbers of people who declare themselves as non-believers, or even more specifically self-identify as atheists, who publically recognise the nonsense and harms of organised religion are growing each year. Happy Days!. Good to see you recognising the truth as well, goodlife :)
Any news yet on which "UK local paper" publishes a regular column called "The Bible says", which is allegedly full of JW nonsense? No? Thought not. So more evidence that JWs "lie for jesus". Hardly a great recommendation for an instituatioon when their evangelical promoters continually lie and continually fail to address their critics, is it?