@Sandy - so you take guidance from the voices in your head? Not a very encouraging thing to know... :)
We atheists do not have a holy book to guide us. Quite naturally therefore we are going to thieve and rob and maim and murder, since we do not have a book to tell us what to do - Bereft of guidance, we can only revert to a kind of feral, bestial outlook on the world.....
You religious types on the other hand- you guys are lucky! You get a book of words to tell what to do, forever and a day. And these holy books tell you that women are subservient, that the correct order of things is patriarchal, that girls should be shot if they want an education, that anyone whose gender orientation does not conform should be treated as a second class citizen, that men can interfere in the reproductive rights of women. They tell you that it is ok to refuse service to someone not of your faith or not of the right sexuality; these books tell you that losing your turban or cutting your hair makes you less a man. It tells you that there is a paradise awaiting you if you die performing gods will - and what god wants will be told to you by an earthly holy man.
I really wish us atheists had a holy book ( although which one?) with which to guide us, rather than having to rely on humanist teachings which are underpinned by essentially one golden rule - treat others as you yourself would wish to be treated....