If you believe in God, do you not think s/he is a bit of a bighead expecting everyone to pray to him, some five times per day, when the omnipotent One knows what you are thinking at all times anyway?
Indeed. I bet there are some people out there who'd say the same of Science - Evolution in particular. I'm not meaning to compare the two, but if otherwise sane people believe "nonsense" it may be the case that you are the one who is wrong to call it nonsense!
I don't really think you are wrong, but it's worth making sure you never stop thinking about it. After all, if the story of most religions is to be believed, it's a bad thing to be wrong about.
//if the story of most religions is to be believed,...//
Since they all contradict themselves, and in some instances they are clearly in error, none of the stories of the Abrahamic religions can be considered accurate. Therefore it's irrational to believe any of them.
If your God had created you from the dust and promised you an eternity in paradise, wouldn't you be pleased to praise him 5 times a day?
Seems like a fair exchange to me.
Yes, Naomi, but when they do not try to foist it on us but just live their lives and practise their religion quietly, pandering words about like "ridiculous nonsense" as Ratter is doing helps nobody and is just plain rude. I don't see that it's too much to ask that we not use such inflammatory language.
jim //I don't see that it's too much to ask that we not use such inflammatory language//
Jim what are you talking about ,( "ridiculous nonsense") Inflammatory ??
What nonsense ! We are giving an opinion with not an expletive in sight.
Jim, im just giving my honest opinion, not directed at any particular individual but if the hat fits......
The Bible says I should be stoned to death for my disbelief, that isn't exactly helpful now is it!
The thing is that even though there are many Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews etc., who probably don't really know that much about their faith, there are also quite a few who do. Who have read into, and studied it, far more than I ever have. All I'm saying is that, while I still think them wrong, their position, those who have studied it, is worthy I think of a bit more respect than "ridiculous nonsense".
Sorry Jim, it deserves no more respect than me believing in the Easter Bunny!
I still think it is ridiculous nonsense.
The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.