ChatterBank5 mins ago
Are You Looking Forward To “The End”?
88 Answers
You see people will tell you of end-of-the-world scenarios, and we have Books, movies, and magazines, ranging from the comic to the scientific, portray an assortment of doomsday catastrophes. They include annihilation by nuclear war, asteroid collision, deadly virus, runaway climate change, or invaders from outer space, what a world we live in.
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No best answer has yet been selected by goodlife. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.
For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Terribly sorry- that last sentence of mine was grammatically awful.
"@ Goodlife - Are you attempting to suggest that the JWs have never prophecied the end of the world?"
@Goodlife - Are you claiming that the Jehovahs Witnesses have never prophesied the end of the world?
An article here ( and wiki, come to that) begs to differ....
http:// www.jwf m/watch tower/1 p
"@ Goodlife - Are you attempting to suggest that the JWs have never prophecied the end of the world?"
@Goodlife - Are you claiming that the Jehovahs Witnesses have never prophesied the end of the world?
An article here ( and wiki, come to that) begs to differ....
"The difference is - I will have enjoyed getting there a whole lot better than he will!!!"
In anticipation of the next thrilling installment of bible verse, thats an interesting propositoion, and rather presumptious Andy, how do you know he doesn't feel that he is fulfilling his life's ambition on AB and is gaining tremendous satisfaction and enjoyment from it? Just because it doesn't accord with your idea of enjoyment. How comes you always have this expectation of conformity to "your way" or no way?
In anticipation of the next thrilling installment of bible verse, thats an interesting propositoion, and rather presumptious Andy, how do you know he doesn't feel that he is fulfilling his life's ambition on AB and is gaining tremendous satisfaction and enjoyment from it? Just because it doesn't accord with your idea of enjoyment. How comes you always have this expectation of conformity to "your way" or no way?
Octavius - I take your point - it does appear I may have been slightly presumptuous in my assessment of goodlife's concept of enjoyment.
I certainly have no wish for everyone to conform to my version of enjoyment - I am very much live and let live.
But let's look at the evidence - i hope I present myself as a reasonably balanced individual with a positive outlook on his extremely happy life.
Balance that againts goodlife who constantly cuts and pastes he eternally pessimisitic view of all of us, wringing his hands at our stubborn unwillingness to join his mndset of doom and gloom.
It may, as you say, be that he is perfectly happy - but I'll still take my version of enjoyment over his any day - including this one!
I certainly have no wish for everyone to conform to my version of enjoyment - I am very much live and let live.
But let's look at the evidence - i hope I present myself as a reasonably balanced individual with a positive outlook on his extremely happy life.
Balance that againts goodlife who constantly cuts and pastes he eternally pessimisitic view of all of us, wringing his hands at our stubborn unwillingness to join his mndset of doom and gloom.
It may, as you say, be that he is perfectly happy - but I'll still take my version of enjoyment over his any day - including this one!
So your //Balance that againts goodlife who constantly cuts and pastes he eternally pessimisitic view of all of us, wringing his hands at our stubborn unwillingness to join his mndset of doom and gloom// sorry but this is the other way round, because, Faith is not a possession of all people. 2 Thess. 3:2.
And you see a world without faith in God, but senior citizens know better. Older members of society are well aware of the stupendous changes that have occurred in their lifetimes; and, whether their children’s children believe them or not, the historical facts prove that conditions have progressively gone from bad to worse.
If you turn the pages of history back half a century, if you will, and compare world conditions then with current times, and you will see why so many persons today have little or no faith in God or his Word the Bible.
LazyGun @If you go to a apostate site,I can see, why, I became aware of how crafty the false teachers were. Information taken out of context was their ‘strong evidence’ against us. I decided to start reading our publications again and to attend the meetings. Soon I realized how much I had missed our loving, united brotherhood is a blessing from Jehovah. (Ps. 133:1) Yes we have love for the whole association of brothers. (1 Pet. 2:17) Being part of the Christian brotherhood, we enjoy the warmth of supportive spiritual fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters of like faith.—Mark 10:29, 30.
It was Jesus’ disciples who asked him a direct question about the end of the world. This is recorded at Matthew 24:3, according to the King James, or Authorized, Version of the Bible: “Tell us, . . . what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
So to help you to understand that the Greek word for “world” (ai•on′) used in this text does not refer to the literal earth or to the material universe. Several Bible versions translate the expression as “end of the age,” or as “the final time. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures renders the verse: “What will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?”
So rather than you forecasting a nuclear holocaust or similar disintegration of the material universe, including our planet Earth, the Bible teaches us that it is the wicked system of things on earth that will be brought to a sudden end. This includes all forms of corruption, falsehood, and hypocrisy now existing, whether it is political, commercial, or religious. All degradation and immorality, all wickedness, and all godless humans existing on earth will be forcibly removed,
So simble, But for lot you do make life hard for yourself.
And you see a world without faith in God, but senior citizens know better. Older members of society are well aware of the stupendous changes that have occurred in their lifetimes; and, whether their children’s children believe them or not, the historical facts prove that conditions have progressively gone from bad to worse.
If you turn the pages of history back half a century, if you will, and compare world conditions then with current times, and you will see why so many persons today have little or no faith in God or his Word the Bible.
LazyGun @If you go to a apostate site,I can see, why, I became aware of how crafty the false teachers were. Information taken out of context was their ‘strong evidence’ against us. I decided to start reading our publications again and to attend the meetings. Soon I realized how much I had missed our loving, united brotherhood is a blessing from Jehovah. (Ps. 133:1) Yes we have love for the whole association of brothers. (1 Pet. 2:17) Being part of the Christian brotherhood, we enjoy the warmth of supportive spiritual fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters of like faith.—Mark 10:29, 30.
It was Jesus’ disciples who asked him a direct question about the end of the world. This is recorded at Matthew 24:3, according to the King James, or Authorized, Version of the Bible: “Tell us, . . . what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
So to help you to understand that the Greek word for “world” (ai•on′) used in this text does not refer to the literal earth or to the material universe. Several Bible versions translate the expression as “end of the age,” or as “the final time. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures renders the verse: “What will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?”
So rather than you forecasting a nuclear holocaust or similar disintegration of the material universe, including our planet Earth, the Bible teaches us that it is the wicked system of things on earth that will be brought to a sudden end. This includes all forms of corruption, falsehood, and hypocrisy now existing, whether it is political, commercial, or religious. All degradation and immorality, all wickedness, and all godless humans existing on earth will be forcibly removed,
So simble, But for lot you do make life hard for yourself.
There is a simple balance to the universe not just what Jesus's mates jotted down about him. Without the Dark how could one see the light?
I'm not disrespecting anyone's beliefs BTW each to their own as was posted earlier. I follow my own moral judgement on most aspects of the LIFE I've being given but will not be manipulated into a belief... written when memories was stranger... besides hadn't they being on the wine.
I'm not disrespecting anyone's beliefs BTW each to their own as was posted earlier. I follow my own moral judgement on most aspects of the LIFE I've being given but will not be manipulated into a belief... written when memories was stranger... besides hadn't they being on the wine.
"So rather than you forecasting a nuclear holocaust or similar disintegration of the material universe, including our planet Earth..."
Well nobody has done that here, maybe a few Hollywood producers and some fiction writers I guess. Was not the Great Disappointment an attempt to predict the worlds end / cleansing of the sanctuary by fire? Sounds pretty much like a "disintegration of the material universe" to me.
Well nobody has done that here, maybe a few Hollywood producers and some fiction writers I guess. Was not the Great Disappointment an attempt to predict the worlds end / cleansing of the sanctuary by fire? Sounds pretty much like a "disintegration of the material universe" to me.
@ Goodlife JWs have been tying themselves into rhetorical knots trying to justify their failed prophecies of end times. Re-interpretation or alternative translations of the scripture, doctrinal changes, the works.
"And you see a world without faith in God, but senior citizens know better. Older members of society are well aware of the stupendous changes that have occurred in their lifetimes; and, whether their children’s children believe them or not, the historical facts prove that conditions have progressively gone from bad to worse.
If you turn the pages of history back half a century, if you will, and compare world conditions then with current times, and you will see why so many persons today have little or no faith in God or his Word the Bible."
This is a crock of the proverbial, too, except for that last paragraph, because one accelerating trend is toward non-belief in god. But the first bit is just your usual patronising piffle. You do not have to be old to recognise the tremendous cultural and technological changes in our society.But that change is not uniformly bad, despite how often you try to claim it is. Improvements in child mortality, reduction in disease, major improvements in sanitation and clean water,increased lifespan, increased wealth, increased educational opportunities - the list is endless. I reject your negative view of humanity- this insulting notion that, absent a god we are all sinful helpless and hapless, lacking any joy in our existence.
It is outmoded religions like yours that need to embrace the change and rediscover your own humanity, I think....
"And you see a world without faith in God, but senior citizens know better. Older members of society are well aware of the stupendous changes that have occurred in their lifetimes; and, whether their children’s children believe them or not, the historical facts prove that conditions have progressively gone from bad to worse.
If you turn the pages of history back half a century, if you will, and compare world conditions then with current times, and you will see why so many persons today have little or no faith in God or his Word the Bible."
This is a crock of the proverbial, too, except for that last paragraph, because one accelerating trend is toward non-belief in god. But the first bit is just your usual patronising piffle. You do not have to be old to recognise the tremendous cultural and technological changes in our society.But that change is not uniformly bad, despite how often you try to claim it is. Improvements in child mortality, reduction in disease, major improvements in sanitation and clean water,increased lifespan, increased wealth, increased educational opportunities - the list is endless. I reject your negative view of humanity- this insulting notion that, absent a god we are all sinful helpless and hapless, lacking any joy in our existence.
It is outmoded religions like yours that need to embrace the change and rediscover your own humanity, I think....
LG, good post. It will fall on blind eyes though.
Goodlife, //all godless humans existing on earth will be forcibly removed,//
And you rejoice in that? Don’t you find that sort of malice eating at you worrying, Goodlife? It would frighten the wits out of me! The bible contains only three words that really mean anything. ‘Love one another’. If everyone did that, then you would see a perfect world.
Goodlife, //all godless humans existing on earth will be forcibly removed,//
And you rejoice in that? Don’t you find that sort of malice eating at you worrying, Goodlife? It would frighten the wits out of me! The bible contains only three words that really mean anything. ‘Love one another’. If everyone did that, then you would see a perfect world.