I think I have been dissed by GudLif - LazyGunt indeed ! :)
You wrote a whole screed in support of your anti- humanist stance.
Lets see - reeking slums,poverty, filth, loathsome diseases. Hopeless inhabitants, huddled in dark holes of cities, poorly fed and clothed.
Well lets deal with that lot first, shall we? Slums,poverty, homelessness, huddled masses have been with us ever since the dawn of time, pretty much. But - we have individuals and charities who dedicate their time and resources to help. We have health schemes designed to help wherever they can. We have homeless shelters. So the humanitarian impulse is there and getting stronger, too. And look at the flipside - the sheer number of people who have transitioned from working poor to comfortable middle class, whose teeth are straight and white, who are well fed, who live in nice heated homes, who have annual medical checks and a health system they can rely on to treat an ever expanding range of what where terminal illnesses not that long ago. Look at the efforts to put in sanitation and clean water. You focus exclusively on the negative, which is an insult to human development.
Criminals and dope addicts? Interesting thing - more christians behind bars in the US than atheists. What does that tell you? One thing is absolutely certain, and that is religious belief is no bar to being a criminal. Similarly with drug addiction. Many drug addicts report a strong religious conviction, so again it appears to have been little help. You have to recognise that the desire to get out of your gourd has been with us since the year dot. Done in a controlled fashion, its not that big a deal.
And then we come to the favourite topic of the religious zealot - sexual behaviour. Because of the restrictions imposed upon them by their own religions, anything outside of that is regarded as depraved, or unnatural. Sexual desire, lust, love are hardwired into humans. Trying to stop it or channel in into approved channels is futile. Nor is there anything wrong with it, provided you are not forcing yourself on non-consensual partners, or partners who cannot offer informed consent.
Not for nothing is Prostitution called the worlds oldest profession. And honestly, I see nothing wrong with it, provided those acting as prostitutes are not being forced into it. If people wish to pay for sex- what has that got to do with you?
Then you have a go at hospitals, full of "pain-wracked individuals and gruesome diseases". Again you are looking through a mirror, darkly. Hospitals are also full of women giving birth to new life, with patients being treated and recovering from previously terminal diseases- diseases which, according to the zealots like you, must have been created by god!. Its full of elderly patients gaining a new lease of life having cataracts replaced, or being given new hips or knees. That is a cause for celebration, for taking pride in the progess of humanity.
I grow bored at the ease with which your negative and insulting view of humanity can be refuted, GuidLeaf. Your zealotry has warped your outlook. You fail to recognise that, if your belief is true and god exists, then all the worlds ills can be laid at their door. So either god was incompetent, or merely vengeful and jealous. What a choice to offer.
I mean - Lack of integrity in business deals? Absolute piffle. Sure, there will always be corrupt and greedy practice, but that is in the minority.And once again, a strong religious belief is no barrier to illegal or corrupt or greedy behaviour.
You see fear and despair - I see hope and laughter and joy and family and friends and a world gradually getting better year on year.
I leave you to wallow in your pit of despond.Your negative view of humanity actually offends me.......