Ths is not an attack on atheists. I accept their are good atheists out there, as there are good muslims, jews etc. However what really bugs me s that atheism comes from a belief that there is no god. Atheists find the concept of god unbelievable.
if this is the case, why constantly debate with people who believe then, if you dismiss everything they say?
I do think that its a common thing to mix up a belief in god with a belief in or membership of an organised religion. the former does not necessarily imply the latter.
Not all atheists argue religion. Some don't give a hoot about it. They just don't believe in a god. However, those who do give a hoot dismiss that which is without foundation and that which is demonstrably false, and the reason is because religion isn’t confined to the religious. It intrudes upon other people's lives - and often in the most negative ways.
The debate is so that anyone following the discussion who is genuinely considering the whether faith is for them or not will have both side of the argument presented.
The truth becomes obvious when the religious have to make their case.
We don't dismiss what they say just to be disagreeable but by rationally analysing the evidence for their position.
lightbulb //I've seen many times when in debates when an atheist asks a religious person a question, and before the religious person even has a chance to explain himself, the atheist is already laughing and interrupting. //
How exactly does one "interrupt" another poster?
Theists are given every opportunity to explain their position. None of them do it successfully because their case does not stand up to even the most basic scrutiny.
Woofgang I can't answer that question without admitting that it is me who is at fault for judging based on religious belief, and I am, but it is precisely because I think you're intelligent that I'm disappointed.
Keyplus, it is obvious that a lifetime of being brainwashed has severely compromised your peception of reality. The one thing that might worry an atheist is that believers like you wish to impose your archaic and self serving views on the world.
//If someone, out of crass stupidity, tells me that there are fairies at the bottom of their garden I feel obliged to point out just how stupid they are (in the hope that they might start behaving rationally). I feel exactly the same way about the crass stupidity of people who believe in God.//
Good! well that's all that nonsense sorted out then.
I can't help thinking that we should abolish the use of the word "belief" altogether. After all, it implies that "believers" accept and promulgate statements, claims and information for which they have not a shred of testable evidence.
I prefer the word "knowledge" which for me means conviction based on evidence, reasoning, common sense and logic which are shared by others whose intelligence, learning and credentials I respect.
but my belief is just that, a belief. I would be the first to agree that there is no logic to it, its not something that can be reasoned out. I find it hard enough to describe, let alone explain. I don't expect other people to share it or approve of it or be guided by it.