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I cannot answer for Naomi, Jim, but I am surprised you put your question that way. Why should we accept the hypothesis you suggest?
I will accept that the Preacher and the flock may well believe - they are the faithful, after all- but you know what? All that does is tell us that Jehovah is morally bankrupt, jealously demanding that his flock have loyalty to him even beyond the love of their own family. This is the same moral bankruptcy that god exhibits in the story where god demands that Abraham sacrifice his own son.Why should we love and admire a jealous god, so needy and self-centred,so desperate for our attention that they demand such sacrifices from their flock? God falls a very long way short of acceptable human moral standards, it seems to me, with this sort of emotional blackmail.
It is morally unacceptable behaviour. Repugnant, in fact.
Pascals Wager is the idea that it is best to profess a belief in god, just in case there might be one - A nonsence idea,given that god being omniscient would no fine well that you are lying.
Mine is diametrically opposite to that.It is best to deny god, even were they to be shown to exist, simply because they demand such morally bankrupt and restrictive behaviours from their believers, and give so little in return.
How can anyone wish to live a life of such restriction? How could anyone want to live a life where one is expected to endorse mysogyny, endorse inequality?