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Attention Non Believers...

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baza | 17:15 Fri 20th Sep 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
121 Answers
Why do you not believe in a God?...


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Well, Khandro, you have been charged with evasion, cant and opacity. How do you plead?
Kromovaracun; "This thread is about discussing the strength of arguments for/against the existence of God. Most of us have calmly answered and outlined the arguments".
You are joking of course.
v_e; I have just returned from a 60th birthday champagne breakfast, nevertheless I still plead 'Not guilty' m'lud.
Khandro: Study: 'The pursuit of knowledge, as by reading, observation, or research.' Most among these, - observation.

Khandro: I have observed that I am not an observer.

This sort of thing is exactly why these threads become personal, because statements like the above make no sense at all apart from (so say) to the person who wrote them. I'd challenge any other 'believer' to explain what the above means and quite what we are all supposed to get from it.

Hmmm, if I make a quotation I am accused of doing just that, as if doing so is an error. If I speak directly of that which I believe, I am accused of opacity, (not to mention cant and evasion).
OK.... If we are not 'observers', then what are we? - I'll give you a clue; it begins with 'p'.
Hey, a clue... I think we can remove opaque from the list of charges now.

I'm out of this thread, good luck all.
Poor chap, I'm afraid I may have over-loaded him.
Khandro, speaking of what you believe is not the same a saying what you believe is it?
As an atheist I have been interested in the Buddhist atheistic beliefs and their sense of not believing as compared to mine.
I would ask Khandro but he never answers questions, so there is no enlightenment there.
The impression I get is he is not encouraging harmony but working against it, which from my limited knowledge of Buddhism, is bad for his Karma and his faith.
On the other hand he did say I had a simplistic view of God but as usual didn't explain what a more complex view might be.
Sorry Khandro for talking about you, rather than to you but the latter doesn't work . NOM
I'd be able to help you more if you gave me the questions, but cat flap does not have two Fs.
wrong thread
'speaking' and 'saying' are grammatically interchangeable - what's your point?
modeller; //As an atheist I have been interested in the Buddhist atheistic beliefs// - Buddhists do not have "atheistic beliefs". For f***s sake! if you are really 'interested', why don't you do something about educating yourself?
Also, I don't give a toss about your 'impression' of me, my karma or my 'harmony'.
Either stop whining and start learning, or stick in your complacent rut.
-- answer removed --
Khandro //For f***s sake! if you are really 'interested', why don't you do something about educating yourself? //
//Either stop whining and start learning, or stick in your complacent rut.//

Brilliant !! At last the true Khandro has emerged ! Nothing opaque about that answer . Got under your skin did it ?
//Got under your skin did it ?// yes it did as a matter of fact. You know f.a. about Buddhism, other than perhaps a quick look at Wikipedia, and yet you say you are 'interested'. My point is, if you want to learn something more why not go and find out, instead of, with scant knowledge, commencing to give everyone your impression of what I am, and what I believe in. First thing you may learn is that Buddhists are not necessarily airy-fairy pussycats, (if you spent sometime among the monks in a Tibetan monastery you would quickly learn that).
You may amuse yourself trying to bully some people who uphold different views than yourself on AB, but you won't get away with much with me.
I would be more than happy to discuss the subject with you anytime and could suggest some reading matter. I don't know where you are located but if you want to give your approximate area I can give you contact addresses of a Buddhist groups and centres. Otherwise contact 'The Buddhist Society, 58, Ecclestone Square, London SW1V 1PH'* and you can purchase a directory from them.
* This in my opinion is the oldest and finest Buddhist organisation in the UK and probably the world.
Khandro, Buddhism in itself is atheistic, but it does not preclude theism. Why don't you cut the crap and give us a list of all the monasteries that you have visited and all the zen masters to whom you have supplicated yourself. We can then be suitably impressed by your mystic credentials and give you due respect.
I have no more "mystic credentials" than you. I have though visited, stayed in, and made retreats in, many monasteries in various countries and I have met a lot of Geshe Lamas, no Zen masters, but Zen monks and nuns, but if I gave you a list would you be any wiser, and would you really be "suitably impressed" ?
Khandro ////Got under your skin did it ?// yes it did as a matter of fact.//
Another straight answer that's twice in 24 hours.
I'm surprised you have to resort to expletives ( something I'
cont (something I've never done ) .
I posted a genuine desire to understand more about Buddhism, as incidently I have done before . Instead of helping, you launched into a personal attack , which doesn't fit in with my limited knowledge of Buddhism and the karma of the attacker.
As I said I'm interested in Why they are Atheists, and how that compares with the other atheists on this thread. You are in the unique position of answering that question but chose instead //evasion, cant and opacity//.
and now turning it into something personal .
I have read publications from all the faiths as well as Buddhism but there is nothing better than actually talking with someone who has personal knowledge. You unfortunately don't want to share.
//Instead of helping, you launched into a personal attack // no it was you that started the attack quite out of the blue; 00:27 Wed.I simply rebutted it.
You whine pathetically how you are searching for 'help' and are being abused, but though you may [i[need[i] help, you don't want it, what you want is someone to argue with and repeat your weary, boring credentials as an atheist.
I've told you above where you may look, it's up to you not me.

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