Without science (biology) you would know nothing at all about ants and their garbage disposal methods. Without science ( public health) you would know nothing about decent sanitation measures and hygiene.
And you have not offered a single shred of observation or proof, in all your many evangelical ditties, to support the notion of a creator god. Not once.Just assertion. What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Christ Hitchens said that, if memory serves, and it seems a pretty apt response to all of your comments.
From your extensive knowledge of the bible, gl - how would the world treat sickle cell disease? How about Malaria? How about Thalassaemia? What about Cancer? What would you do instead of vaccinations? Bit of holy water perhaps?
How would the world look if we only were unfortunate enough to rely only upon prayer and the ravings - err, sorry, teachings - of the Jw's - as a defence against Polio, or Smallpox?
How would you treat appendicitis -or any major surgery come to that- without antibiotics?
Your continued refusal to recognise the findings of science, your cults determination to reject observation, fact, evidence, deduction,and reason in favour of a literal interpretation of a book of tales has gone beyond mildly amusing to risible farce.
As to other issues - We should measure people and cults by deeds and actions in the real world,rather than words in a forum, no? So - how many hospitals, children's homes, adoption agencies, schools, etc do JW's help to run/fund? What actions do the JW's do that warrant their charitable status?