I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts on what heaven will be like when you get there.
I have asked many people this question and have received many different answers but the one thing I've noticed is that all the answers are vague to say the least.
The bible has very little to say on the subject which surprises me because I assume that it is the ultimate reward for your lifetime of service to your creator.
What do you think?
because we dont know for chrissakes....[that heaven is like]
My mother in her eighties gained the reputation for holiness (as she said 'for some reason..') and in the end said she had to make it up as people didnt take no for an answer, so out came the angels and seraphim and so on - ...... quite pretty it was.......
It has rolling hills, pretty valleys with perfectly proportioned bridges spanning them. Idyllic pubs serving the best real ale and food. Oh hang on.....I've just described the Yorkshire Dales.
Billions of people spend their lives worshipping a god. That's an awful amount of manpower.
As far as I can tell they do it for two reasons. Fear of hell and the promise of heaven.
They seem to have an intimate knowledge of their god. They know what he likes and they know what he doesn't like.
They also seem to have a detailed insight into conditions in hell and what happens to people who end up there.
What I'd like to know is what they're expecting of heaven. Vague terms like paradise don't seem to convey the required detail to persuade one to spend your life as a slave to an idea.
Zacs, you answer put me in a dilemma. Having lived in a lovely part of the Yorkshire Dales for yonks and enjoyed everything it offers, what can I look forward to? Surely we wouldn't be allowed in again and how can you be a potholer in the ethereal plane? The harp would get in the way!