Nothing can be down to "Gods will" as he, or she doesn't exist naomi, as I am sure you are more than aware of ! Its another of the stupid, weasel word phrases that some people use that annoy me. But not as much as "God moves in mysterious ways"
I have a ex-work associate that I no longer have any contact with. She is one of those new "born-again" know the sort...the ones that say that the Planet Earth is only 6000 years old, and our ancestors chased dinosaurs for their dinner. She had been pestering me for nearly a year to come to one of her prayer meetings. I started out by being polite but had to get sterner as she would listen, JWs are easy to get rid compared to her !
She annoyed me one too many times by siding with the Israelis during the last but one Gaza-Israel flare-up. Her argument is that Israel is the Land of God and belongs to the Righteous, whoever the *** they are, and the Muslims have no place there. When I asked her what she thought of all the innocent babies and children that were being killed on both sides but mainly in Gaza, she brought out the "God moves in mysterious ways" bulsh1t
These people need ridiculing then ignoring. They will eventually go away.