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When Are You Going To Wise Up?

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Theland | 00:32 Sun 19th Jul 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
61 Answers
It should be amusing, but it is really very sad, that ABERS on here continue to mock the One True God, and substitute for Him, erroneous comfort blanket arguments that in the short term give a feeling of security by virtue that they are not alone in their views. Even a cursory examination of bible prophecies compared to world events would sway an unbeliever, and the arguments for Intelleigent design are overwhelming. How sad that the cockiness of the atheists is based no more than on the drivel sold by the likes of Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking.
Do yourselves a favour, and go for the simple solutions for example on YouTube and hear the TRUTH about the limits of science, and the impossibility of its claims.
In other words, SAVE YOURSELF before it is too late. Please?


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Theland, still talking unsubstantiated drivel I see!!
I haven't read much of the bible beyond what we learned in Sunday school - but I do believe in God and Jesus. I don't need to see or hear Him to know he walks with me. I can't see electricity either but I know it's there!
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Comfort blankets in atheism ? Really ? Knowing that there is nothing after death - that's a comfort blanket ? knowing that there will Not be justice in heaven for all those who suffered unfairly on earth ? Knowing that you will Not see loved ones again after they die ? Knowing that those people handicapped by birth defects will Not know in paradise what it is like to walk and talk as non-disabled people do here ?
Do please let us know which of Dawkins' and Hawking's titles you have read. You call them drivel - I think in that case we have a right to know which ones you have read, and to read them ourselves to see what you have found in them.
And, while you are at it, please let us have some testable evidence of the existence of this god of yours.
And no, a book of fairy stories will not suffice.
Well said atalanta, my thoughts exactly!!
Theland, Id like to ask, have you actually read the Bible (and I mean ALL of it)?
Its SICK. Sorry if this offends you but its one hell (no pun intended...) of a sick book. Not to mention silly in the extreme but the overwhelming experience I had of reading it was one of nausea and of a psychotic God.
Theland, May the Flying Spaghetti Monster touch you with his noodly appendage. You give me the bible as evidence? Well how about this, if the Flying Spaghetti Monster didn't create the universe why are the planets all shaped like meatballs? ---Ramen
It should be amusing, but it is really very sad, that ABERS on here continue to mock the One True God

I've never mocked Bono!
Come off it know it's Elvis.
Elvis is just a king, mastercraft...Bono is the God (well in his eyes he is)

I am a believer.( And I don't refer to the song by the Monkees) Someone said that there was no outside evidence that Jesus Christ existed outside the Bible.

Well Beso, you may be surprised to learn that the Syrian writer Tatian wrote about the events found in the four gospels. He recognised that these four books are accurate and inspired.

Cornelius Tacitus (56 - 120 AD) confirms several historical elements of the Biblical narrative: Jesus lived in Judea, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, and had followers who were persecuted for their faith in Christ.
There is no getting away from it, - Jesus Christ lived and his miracles were the evidence of his being the Son of God.

And there are many others.

As for the places mentioned in the Bible, these do indeed exist. Archaelogy has proved these places and you can put your head in the sand, but the day will come when everyone will have an accounting with God.
God made the world in 6 days Eh? Bah ! That's nothing. Barratts or Wimpeys could've done it in 3 ! If you have faith , then that's fine, but don't expect others to fall for it all. Religion (ALL religions) is the curse of this planet.
Janbee@ I agree with you wholeheartedly. Religion itself is a cause for many of the problems. Should religious leaders be part of the government? No! Jesus said his Kingdom was no part of the world, neither should his followers.
But what do you see? Especially in the UK you see them all sitting in the House of Lords in all their regalia. You only have to go back to the 2nd WW. Hitler was hand in glove with the Catholic leaders, and look where that led.

I have just got back from the Ukraine, in every village there is a huge, and I mean huge, Russian Orthodox church. The roofs glisten and shine from miles away, and yet the poor Ukrainian is struggling to make a living selling their produce on the road side. The roads are horrific - worse than any dirt track, and these were supposed to be the main highways.

idiosyncrasy, neither Tatian nor Tacitus were in a position to confirm anything at all about Jesus. They weren't born during his lifetime. At best they reported hearsay, and in the case of Tatian, he formulated his own theological ideas, so contrary to your contention that "there is no getting away from it", there is every reason to get away from it because none of it can be construed as 'evidence'.

//the day will come when everyone will have an accounting with God.//

If this God is truly one of love and compassion, why are you (and Theland) so afraid of him? That, I think, demonstrates a distinct lack of faith on your part in his judgement.

LyndaB, //I can't see electricity either but I know it's there!//

You know it's there because its existence can be demonstrated.
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Naomi@ Where do you get your idea that I am afraid of God? I am not afraid of him. I have a wholesome fear that I do not want to displease him, but that is not being afraid. I have a wholesome fear of displeasing my parents or partner. If you love somebody you do not want to displease them, you want to make them happy, you go out of your way to make them happy and thus you make yourself happy - you know the saying, "there is more happiness in giving than in receiving".

If you think God is cruel and unloving, then obviously there must be something in your life that is or has made you afraid of him.

I know I can go to God in prayer and be confident that my relationship with him is a good relationship. Whether I die today or in 10 years time, I have no fear of death

I have just got back from the Ukraine and I feel so sorry for those poor people, they build their big fancy temples and tremble in fear of their religious leaders who have such a strong hold on them. Jesus considered these ones Hypocrites. I suggest you read Matthew 23.
Naomi//Tatian & Tacticus - They weren't born during his lifetime. //

Maybe not. But do you believe the history books? Do you believe Alexander the Great was born and made Greece a world power? What about the Pharoahs? Elizabeth 1, Henry VIII, and many other events that have been written? The writers of history were not alive at the time events took place, but do we doubt they occurred or that the people existed.

You contract yourself!
Theland, sadly I feel you are beating your head off a brick wall by such a post on this site. I've found that folk are so set in their ways (as I am too) that it would be very difficult to change opinions though more power to your elbow for trying. As a Christian I certainly wouldn't be looking to YouTube for inspiration I'm afraid.
Theland - if people are atheists, that is their choice, and choice is something we all have.

Your earnest pleading is likely to fall on deaf ears among atheist AB'ers - not because they are wilfully ignoring what you say, but because their experience of life, and looking at the world around them, convinces them that there is no God.

So, thanks for the thought, but I'll pass.

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