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Who Or What Created The Universe?

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Theland | 05:51 Fri 20th Oct 2017 | Religion & Spirituality
123 Answers
Dismiss God as the author and creator of the universe, but what is your hypothesis? Or are you simply satisfied to say, "I don't know?"


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Or accept the scientific explanation...... as we do for most phenomena that used to be attributed to deities.
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Ah yes, the scientific explanation.
A universe from nothing? How?
All the high priests of atheism have to assume a little something to begin with. An absurd assumption. So how does it come from nothing?
Well it wasn't me. You're not blaming me for all the world's ills. I was busy doing something else that day AND I've got a witness.
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That's something we may never know. It certainly ain't down to a god of any description.
Mallj has it right here !
I'd go with science every time.

On the other hand, the old gods (Roman, Greek and Norse) may have had it right.
They delegated and weren't conceited enough to take all the credit.
If you pose a question you may get someone attempting to answer it from their own perspective. If you are then unpleasant and rude to that person, suggesting, for example that their beliefs are absurd, because they do not agree with you then you stop debate. Actually I would not want to be part of any belief system that encourages rudeness, unpleasantness and the like towards other people. Respect is a two way street....I respect other peoples beliefs and expect the same from them. It is a shame you don't.
You've got a point with the old gods, Alba. The world certainly behaves as if it was created by a committee.
You are suggesting that the universe being created by god is the rational explanation!

It genuinely astonishes me that there are people who think in this way. It's mental.

By the way, which god did the creating? There's loads of them.
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So who created God? The answer is probably that he has always been there. But by the same tken maybe the universe 9with or without a God) has always been there
A God from nothing tends not to seem a better answer to many folk.
The uncertainty principle ensures anything than can happen, will; including the ultimate free lunch in the form of universes.
Anyway who's to say that existence of something rather than nothing, isn't the normal default ? That we should be accepting the universal as natural and be surprised if it weren't there (were that possible).
I have always had a tiny, weeny suspicion, that the Universe was created by little green men from outer space !
Ironically, given the vastness of the universe, I would suggest there's more likely to be little green man somewhere then the patent absurdity of god(s).
At least one argument for the existence of God ends up explaining that (a) there must be a cause for the Universe, and (b) this cause is "self-causing", thus neatly avoiding the "well who created God then?" thing.

But then, why not stop one step earlier? The Universe is perfectly capable of creating itself.
Hey - just fresh from the translation movement:
but related

are God and Quran - ( here word of God - as in in the beginning was god and god was the word - hey I just made that up!) that they cant be co eternal because you have to have a mouth before you form the words

so uh-uh God comes first and then the word
so not co-eternal.....

and their answer
the orthodox muslims I mean?

off the top of the building!

that's the way to settle arguments
Having thoroughly examined the evidence available to support, or otherwise, the theory that the God of Abraham created the universe, I conclude, for the following reasons, that the suggestion doesn’t stand up to rational scrutiny.

1. This is a omnipotent God who couldn’t find two human beings who were hiding from him.

2. This is an omnipotent God who was impotent against ancient chariots.

3. This is an omnipotent God who bitterly regretted his creation, but who nevertheless went on to make another disastrous mistake.

4. This is an omnipotent God who felt it necessary to appear on earth in the guise of a man, the intention being to save humanity from …… God.

Finally, and this is just musing - this is an omnipotent – and more to the point – a one and only God who has several names. If he is unique there is no reason for him to distinguish himself so I wonder why he felt the need for a name at all? Wouldn’t plain old ‘God’ have done?

I could go on but I won’t. Now seriously! Does any of that make any sense at all? If the universe was indeed ‘created’, common sense dictates that the creator wasn’t the God of Abraham. Therefore, I’ll stick with ‘Don’t know’. Anything else would be nothing more than disingenuous fantasy.

Over to you, Theland.
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Who Or What Created The Universe?

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