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Tree Of Knowledge

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nailit | 19:57 Tue 27th Mar 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
77 Answers
A question for the Christians here.
According to the Bible Adam and Eve bought sin in to the world because they ate of the tree of knowledge.
What exactly is wrong with knowledge?

Ive never received a satisfactory answer.


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God may have a split personality but at least he's got each other :-)
Haaaaaa! Silly sod! Crying here. :o)
What's all this 'he' business?
Is it right that when God made men she was only joking, Tilly?
Question Author
//What's all this 'he' business?//
Well God is obviously male Tills.
A female wouldn't have made such a **** up world.
Unconvinced that spiritual entities really have gender. That's only needed for breeding.
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Unconvinced in spiritual entities full stop O-G.
Is it right that when God made men she was only joking, Tilly?

She has a strange sense of humour, Naomi. We have to live with that. :-)
Ah, in such discussions one has to work with, if...then.... situations.
I read this book once and God was a large African woman. I was convinced. ;-)
//She has a strange sense of humour, Naomi. We have to live with that. :-) //

Indeed. :o))
Bible prophecy predicts this type of blasphemous mockery.
It also says God will not be mocked.
In other words, He will have the last word.
Not the sort of company I'd choose to spend an eternity with.
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//Bible prophecy predicts this type of blasphemous mockery//
Care to answer the OP Theland instead of getting all offended?
Not offended.
You have read the Bible, so go back to it and get an update.
Question Author
You cant answer the question then?
Oh, Heavenly Father, today we gather to give thanks and praise for all that you have bestowed upon us in Your infinite grace and wisdom. We give thanks for family and for friends and for those who fall into neither category yet are with us today despite not having been invited. (You know who you are; we all do and so does God.) We give thanks for Your woe begotten son, Jesus Herbert Christ, Whom You sent to us so that we could string Him up on a cross and leave Him to suffer and die for no good reason. And we give thanks that this somehow gives us the impression that we have been absolved of the mortal sins that taint our souls because that *** Eve couldn't keep her hands off the goddamned produce. Yay, God. Amen.
It's symbolic, not really about trees or fruit, it's about disobedience .
//'s about disobedience.//

"Oh yes, Adam, you've been a naughty boy haven't you?! I'm going to have to punish you soo bad..." -- God, totally not a dominatrix.
Much of the Bible is symbolic, the problem is most people take it literally.

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